Where's the next 3d Mark - due kinda now isn't it?

Rumours starting 30th August said within 2 weeks!

Sorry - splitting this url in two parts - what's the tag for a short url please!

The Link

The wait for the new debut of benchmark the Futuremark for cards grows video, called 3D Mark 2005. The benchmark of Futuremark, in particular those for the cards video, have generated in the last year several controversies and infinite arguments, tied are to their reliability that to the usefullness of they give to you supplied with they.

The reliability of turns out obtained to you with benchmark 3D the Mark, in particular the version 3D Mark 2003, has been strongly puttinges in doubt when it is uncovered that he turns out you prestazionali could easy be increases you via present optimizations to the inside of the driver.
From this controversies are infinite NATO, it is between gets passionate to it to you that between same the operating ones of the field, but 3D Mark has continued to being used in many tests for via of its thoroughness and relative facility of I use.

Benchmark 3D the Mark has, however, some positive elements you: the synthetic tests in comprised they, in fact, often allow to have give useful on the effective performances of the cards video to you. These, but, must always be bind together to you to test carry out to you with the games 3D, "true" the applications that every videogiocatore uses daily with just the PC.

Being to the information currently available, 3D Mark 2005 will be based on the BEES DirectX 9 of Microsoft and will integrate full load support to the Shader Model 3.0. This will not be able not to make happy NVIDIA, the only producer of chip video with support to the Shader Model 3.0.

Seems like uber highend machines, get really low fps in the GT's, like 5-15 fps, so it's probably not going to be released just yet.
g__day said:
however, some positive elements you: the synthetic tests in comprised they, in fact, often allow to have give useful on the effective performances of the cards video to you. These, but, must always be bind together to you to test carry out to you with the games 3D, "true" the applications that every videogiocatore uses daily with just the PC.

Did that make anybody else chuckle? Or am i the only one who enjoys engrish?
sytaylor said:
g__day said:
however, some positive elements you: the synthetic tests in comprised they, in fact, often allow to have give useful on the effective performances of the cards video to you. These, but, must always be bind together to you to test carry out to you with the games 3D, "true" the applications that every videogiocatore uses daily with just the PC.

Did that make anybody else chuckle? Or am i the only one who enjoys engrish?

It's translated from Italian!! Oh my god i only just noticed!! Now i understand it!
BTW Nicklas, I'm very impressed by this point:

The Inquirer said:
The new 3Dmark comes after Futuremark's normal way of thinking; whenever anyone gets close to 15000 or more marks they just start all over again.

Talk about a relaxed attitude towards R&D! What do you guys do for the other 10 months of the year? :p ;)
I started out feeling good in this thread, and then someone linked to the Inq as a source; that's when things took a U turn into the toilet bowl!

Look's like its hurry up and wait. So I guess its close to ready now, but if its title is 2005 is it being sat on for next year to avoid hurting 2003 sales?
Geessshh, 5-15 fps on the highest-end cards? If that's true, 3dmark 04 (or whatever it will be called) will actually run BACKWARDS on my box! :LOL:

I get just under 8500 marks 01 and just over 5400 marks 03 IIRC. ;) Of course, 03 improved vastly after switching out the GF3 for the Radeon (up from a smidgen over 1100), but I shudder at thinking how the next generation (will not) run on this poor thing. :D

I bet those who don't have shader model 3.0 will be at least as penalized in the next version as all we who did not have DX9 were in 3DM03.