Nerd and virgin positive? lol.
Actually... I do have my reasons for wanting to get tested... I have had unprotected sex with several people, all of them people that I really shouldn't have. So, now that I'm possibly getting involved with someone that I really really care about, I want to make sure that I'm clean.
Always remember that if you do get infected with HIV, there is a 3 month incubation period where the test might not pick it up. 6 months is the maximum, most times it's much less. They tend to say it's 3 months.
So if you had unprotected sex less than 3 months ago, and your test comes up negative, it doesn't mean you're actually negative. You probably are, but it's not 100% sure.
You should always leave 3 months between the time you think you might have been infected and the test, just to be 100% sure.
And i think you
will want to be 100% sure if you care about this new person. At least don't have unprotected sex for at least 3 months (or 3 months after the last one), get tested again, and then go from there.
Lots of people get and pass on HIV because their test comes up negative, just because they are in their 3 months where the test doesn't pick it up.
And i won't get into the discussion where i tell you you're a very,
very irresponsible man, by having had sex with what you say are "several people", without even knowing your HIV status, or your HepC status, or all other diseases you could have at the moment... Sure it takes two, and the people you had sex with should have known better, but you should be responsible enough to know that when you don't know what your status is, you just do
not have unprotected sex, not only to protect yourself, but to protect others. For all you know, you could have become infected the first time you had unprotected sex, and passed it on to all other people you had unprotected sex with. Think about it next time. "Not knowing" doesn't make you negative.
The world has enough HIV as it is, i'm amazed that in 2006 there are still people like you who "take risks" but really, take risks with their and other people's lives, just for an hour or so of fun.
An orgasm is not worth your or other people's lives.
OK i did get into that discussion a little bit, but hey, someone's got to do it.