When will the Radeon NDA lift? nt

I wonder. I'm not under NDA myself, but I had to copy edit some texts for "somebody" (no, not 3DC), and he was rather set about the time he'll publish the stuff. Perhaps he was mistaken, too. *shrugs*

Well, no worries. As long as it's today, I'm happy. ;)

DaveBaumann: mmmkay...

actually, I am having a bit more than small additional expenses soon so it seems that I'll be stuck with AIW Radeon much longer than I thought...

So no NV30 nor Radeon 9700 for me. (without mentioning overpriced Parhelia.) I really hope to find some cheap radeon 8500 with vivo somewhere... (but as lucky as I am, no one is exporting Club3D's nor Power Color's vivo 8500 cards to finland.)

you've got PM. Hopefully--for some reason, the message is "stuck" in the "outbox" and not the "sent" folder, hence this post . . . ;)

nggalai said:

you've got PM. Hopefully--for some reason, the message is "stuck" in the "outbox" and not the "sent" folder, hence this post . . . ;)


it's not stuck. board moves it to sent folder when recipient logs in next time.
No it isn't! Check your watch. :) It's only about 12.30 CET right now...

Anyway, wasn't the conclusion the NDA would be lifted at noon CET? It isn't, there's not a thing out on the hardware sites yet... At least not the ones I checked.
