When will C++ be fully useable without a wrapper in .NET?


Retarded moron
Chris Egerter said you need a wrapper over the program .DLL.

Bleh, wrappers = NO! NO!
Can cause problems and will rip apart your speed. :/
First of all, I'm assuming you mean Native C++ .dlls as opposed to COM objects. Given that, you need a wrapper to map the C++ data types to C# types, and that wrapper is PInvoke. It isn't a thick wrapper; it's pretty much the equivalent of what you'd do if you were calling C++ .DLLs from VB.
Or you can program in Managed C++, which is just as much a .Net language as C#, VB.Net, etc. Except that I'm not sure why one would use Managed C++ instead of C#...