What's wrong with everyone?

Killer I'm starting to get the idea that you're pretty lame, just like your humour.

As to mathematically defined, you're just taking the easy way out. Life doesn't interface the way you want it to, so grow some balls and face reality.
Hmm.... after further thought I think the intention behind starting this thread was a little bit 'troll-ish'. Sort of 'let me say somthing controversial and I'll fish for some arguments/attention'.

fuk u, K.I.L.E.R (yes thats an inoffencive in-joke with K.I.L.E.R)
My post is serious, not "troll-ish".
Life has always interfaced the way I wanted it to, will continue to do so.

What do you mean I'm lame?
Life has always interfaced the way I wanted it to, will continue to do so.
And thus does the pantload come down. If that were true, you wouldn't be complaining or starting this thread. It's not that life is interfacing the way you want it to, it's that you'll only interface a certain way and won't let anything else sink in. You've admitted as much in every post in this thread (among other posts in other threads) so far, so don't try piling on more crap about everything being okay.

Many things in life will never be quantifiable by human beings, but to claim that quantification is a necessity to understand something is pure nonsense. And in that sense, you are indeed lame. 'Lame' as in crippled in your approach to and boxed-in view of reality. Life is not simple, never could have been, and never will be. If you want easy, go home and ask your mother to let you climb back into the womb. It's not about "being comfortable" with the fact that not everything can be mathematically defined -- it's about experiencing and getting abreast of all things good and bad (99% bad).
Just because I complain about something doesn't mean I don't get it my way in the end.
Life is hard? I guess all those people starving in Africa have it easy then. :LOL:
Even if I don't get my way on things out of my control it *is* okay because it is handled on it's own. Don't give me your stupid, ignorant and bullshit view on life.

I'm sure I can find something that says the same about you and everyone else given a context.

'Lame' as in crippled in your approach to and boxed-in view of reality.
Just because I complain about something doesn't mean I don't get it my way in the end.
So you're saying your answer to life is to whine until everybody else gives in?
Life is hard? I guess all those people starving in Africa have it easy then. :LOL:
This doesn't even make sense. Are you trying to say that people starving in Africa aren't actually living?
Even if I don't get my way on things out of my control it *is* okay because it is handled on it's own.
I guess I'll have to correct my prior synopsis, then. So your answer to life is to whine either until everybody else gives in or they take things off your hands and you don't have to deal with it?
Don't give me your stupid, ignorant and bullshit view on life.
Fine by me, as long as you extend the same courtesy... you're no less exempt from the rules governing bullshitting than anyone else.
Sorry about my tantrum, I don't have much experience dealing with people. I'm not very social.

What I meant by that line, as stupidly as it was conveyed was that my problems are considerably minor compared to the real problems faced in the world. I can deal with my problems easily because they are insignificant and mostly are due to me creating issues out of thin air.

This doesn't even make sense. Are you trying to say that people starving in Africa aren't actually living?
I don't whine until everyone gives in, I do explain myself and my reasons for wanting something my way however if someone higher up steps in and makes a decision I simply go with it and do the best I can.

I guess I'll have to correct my prior synopsis, then. So your answer to life is to whine either until everybody else gives in or they take things off your hands and you don't have to deal with it?
Wow Kiler you've converted me. At first I just though you were some immature asshole seeking constant attention. Now I realize you just have no social skills.

(and all the other stuff)
I mean just look at the title of your thread "Whats wrong with everybody?"
You are implying that there is nothing wrong on your end.
I think you need to take some time alone to reflect.

How did you live before mathematics then?
I don't use software design principals, processes etc..., I use mathematical principals to develop software.
Feature 'x' doesn't get implemented until mathematical proof 'y' is presented.
I don't use software design principals, processes etc..., I use mathematical principals to develop software.
Feature 'x' doesn't get implemented until mathematical proof 'y' is presented.
CSE uses formal methods for verification.
You should get a job at DSTO then. You'd fight right it trying to prove software algorithms mathmatically...