What's the oldest console game you still have an interest in playing?

How old can a console game be before you lose interest?

  • No older than current gen. Tech's moved on, and me with it

    Votes: 17 21.3%
  • Last gen. I still like playing the games from then

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • Two gens back (PS1). There are some classics and I don't mind the chunky pixels

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • Three or four gens. 8 or 16 bit, a good game is still a good game.

    Votes: 39 48.8%
  • No limit. I'd happily spend a few hours pinging a dot across an oscilloscope scren

    Votes: 15 18.8%
  • I don't play games. How did I get on this forum again?

    Votes: 1 1.3%

  • Total voters
I regularly play Atari ST and Amiga games and even the odd 8bit game although these were a little before my "awakening" (ST was my first computer) so didn't play any as a kid.
Three or four gens, although as far as gaming on native hardware, I'm primarily limited to two.

Bomberman64 gets brought out every now and again for the multiplayer.
I only really go back to the 8/16-bit era games. For me personally, those aged well, but I have no interest in the PS1/PS2 era games. I don't think those aged as well.

You keep some 12/13inch CRT for that? PS1 games and obviously anything before look like an ugly mosaic on flat TVs.
Sonic, you play them on CRT SDTV or LCD/LED/Plasma/OLED HDTV?

very old games seems have heavy image quality degradation when played on LCD/LED/Plasma/OLED HDTV but still looks nice on CRT SDTV.

I've got an old 27" CRT I hook them up to. I wouldn't dare hook them up to my main TV simply for the reasons you point out.
I have played a lot of older games in the past few years including SNES and Megadrive (genesis) but tend to not bother with anything before that. Most of those I played during the end of the PS1 era or during the PS2 era. I'm sure I could still play 16-bit games easily enough without complaining... PS2 and PS1 era, being 3D, I find it a little hard at times to look past the graphics in recent years. That could have more to do with my memory of the games being much better than reality - a common problem. The other issue is HD monitors vs SD CRT TV's as is being discussed.
I still enjoy playing 16Bit Sega Mega Drive/Genesis games: Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Altered Beast, Zombies AMN, ESWAT, Jungle Strike, Sonic, Cool Spot, I really love these games! And I also enjoy every single Castlevania game. I'm a huge Castlevania fan.
No interest in old games. Even the early this generation games are painfully to play now. Heck, playing on this generation of consoles, even the newest entries is not pleasing to the eye anymore. Hard to look back...bring on new stuff!
Damn, I wrote a lengthy reply in the other poll-thread, which after seeing this one, is relevant to both, if not more to this one.

As I said in my other post - I feel "legacy" is changing. Legacy now days is talking about games that were programmed for sub HD resolutions. They don't translate well to most big screens we have in our homes today. I honestly believe 1080p will take us a long way, just as 720p is adequately sufficient for 5 inch screens on smartphone. Sure you can up the pixel count, but as long as the screen size stays the same, the benefit will be hardly noticable. I use a 1080p projector to project a 3m screen in my home which is pretty damn sharp. Sure 4K will be nice(r), but the benefit jump won't be as big.

In other words - the games we play today that will be "legacy" in 10 years from now, will still be a lot more compeling to play because the screen sizes won't increase much and the games of today in 720p or 1080p will look a lot less outdated then when we boot up 10 year old games today that were programmed for sub SD resolutions.
One consideration looking forwards is that the graphical shortcomings are diminishing. Where Crash Team Racing was a chunky, jerk-along eye-killer despite being great in its day, current gen games will still look 'okay' in ten years time making them more palatable. I think 2D games also age better. Monkey Island on Amiga is passable, although the remake on current machines looks a trillion times better!

It's worth noting I played CTR last week when a group of us were trying LBPKarting. It just didn't play well and my sis kept lamenting it wasn't as good as CTR. So we bought CTR off PSN and played it. It did look terrible and the framerate was ghastly, but it did play better and was more fun. If only gameplay could be kept going forwards as well improving visuals, we'd never have to legacy game at all!
You keep some 12/13inch CRT for that? PS1 games and obviously anything before look like an ugly mosaic on flat TVs.

I've got three CRTs hanging around for retro game purposes - 17", 28", 17" Triniton monitor - which only a plasma tv can match for image quality.

There are a few tricks you can use to make old console look good on flat screen, particularly with a plasma. when I have time I'm going to build me one of those scanline generator boxes. If you take an old console with a vga mod you can introduce "fake" scanlines back into the image so it feels like it should. It helps break up the large pixels (which obviously cover more than one line each) and gives a much nicer appearance. Probably closer to how the art was intended to be viewed.

In a lot of ways PS1/Saturn 3D looks worse than 16-bit 2D art as there is less detail on textures than there was on sprites, and low res low poly 3D aliases and pops like a sonofabitch.

I keep a few old consoles and games around...


Great collection dude.
Me and my 2 brothers started playing Jet Set Willy the other day after a night out. Was pretty fun passing the controller around taking lives. Thats the time period i first started playing games so still have interest if only for nostalgic reasons, i have no interest in going back further or playing games from around that era i dont have memory of.
It's not always easy to go back and play the older games, but I'm still able to have fun with some 16-bit titles. I purchased the Sonic Genesis Collection and had fun with some of the games.

I also recently purchased a Saturn a couple months ago and have been building that collection. I also own a bunch of PSone titles off of PSN. Sure the games look like ass on my HDTV now, but I'm able to look past it and still enjoy the older games.

One thing's for sure, these older games don't hold your hand nearly as much as the new titles. I still can't get past the first level in Hexen on the Saturn. :p
im stunned looking at jokers collection. Wow...
btw thats a 110v electric socket?
What button on the right of it? is it light button? but so close to floor?

and that phone, landlines cordless phone?
i miss that :)