What movie is this???


beyond noob
I received the following enigmatic email from a co-worker:

You can view the movie trailer in a variety of formats here: http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/11808

Also, several cryptic websites are believed to be associated with the actual movie: ethanhaaswasright.com, ckrox.com

Some people say it's another Godzilla movie....

Some people say it's another Jurassic Park movie...

Others say it's a movie about a parasite/virus....

Few say it's a movie about Scientology....

And the majority of people think it's a movie based on Cthulhu. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cthulhu)

But no one knows the title, or what it's actuall about. Even though the movie has no name associated with it, the word "Cloverfield" has been used when describing it.

It's a mystery indeed.
The way they're filming it doesn't thrill me either. Although it's rumored to have something to do with Cthulhu so don't know if I'll give it a watch because of that.
There was a trailer for it before Transformers (which was FREAKING AWESOME) that I went and saw tonight. I thought it looked really awesome I for the most part the way its filmed does not bother me. Plus the special effects (can these be called special anymore) were really awesome and made it seem real.

I'm looking forward to it and would be curious about more information.
The way they're filming it doesn't thrill me either. Although it's rumored to have something to do with Cthulhu so don't know if I'll give it a watch because of that.

It's 'rumoured' to have 'something to do' with Cthulu, Voltron, Godzilla, and just about every other stupid thing you can imagine. :rolleyes:

I personally beleive it's going to be an entirely original concept, which would be nice given JJ's typical re-hash attitude towards things (just look at LOST...talk about taking one failed idea and pawning it off on another).
Hopefully it's cthulhu-related. That'd be cool. There hasn't been a movie about the mythos afaik.

But I'd prefer if it was a proper adventure/horror type movie in the mood of King Kong (but with more freaky-scary bits obviously) rather than something full of screaming partying teenagers.

So it could be a dud too I don't know.
From the pwars of wiki

Doesn't explain much else, except a potential working title.

To be honest, theres been nothing capable of being called "good cinema" since Lord of the Rings or The Matrix trilogy, and I'm guessing this movie will continue Hollywood's obsession with marketing utter crap day in and day out
From the pwars of wiki

Doesn't explain much else, except a potential working title.

To be honest, theres been nothing capable of being called "good cinema" since Lord of the Rings or The Matrix trilogy, and I'm guessing this movie will continue Hollywood's obsession with marketing utter crap day in and day out

LMAO, if you consider LOTR and The Matrix (Especially The Matrix...) great movies then I feel for your viewing tastes alone.
LOTR and The Matrix pushed the bar in terms of technical production, I'm not saying they classify as avant-garde acting, but consider that before The Matrix, you just didn't do slow motion, now everyone wants it, everyone wants to copy it

LOTR redefined what you can do with CGI for artificial backgrounds, character interaction, and large scale battle reproduction (instead of 10-20 fighters, or even a few hundred (like Braveheart) you have thousands of individual extras)

So, go ahead, continue the tyrade of "i'm better than you because I watch what Apple, Steve Jobs, The New York Times, [insert other wannabe artsy object here] says is avant-garde and true cinema", it speaks volumes

Generally, Hollywood has very very rarely produced a good movie, and nothing at all worth paying for since 2003-2004, its just more CGI and more rips of pre-existing technology (almost any action movie released since 2000 is going to in some way rip technology demonstrated in Star Wars Episode 1, The Matrix, or LOTR)

The J.J. Abrams project may turn something worth watching, however given the direction of American society, I'm guessing it'll just turn out more rehashing of already dead ideas which were cool when they were original due to the society of the time (read: War of the Worlds, I Robot, Pirates of the Carribean (here comes the flames), Transformers, etc)) however modern society manages to turn them into horrific garbage
LOTR and The Matrix pushed the bar in terms of technical production, I'm not saying they classify as avant-garde acting, but consider that before The Matrix, you just didn't do slow motion, now everyone wants it, everyone wants to copy it

LOTR redefined what you can do with CGI for artificial backgrounds, character interaction, and large scale battle reproduction (instead of 10-20 fighters, or even a few hundred (like Braveheart) you have thousands of individual extras)

So, go ahead, continue the tyrade of "i'm better than you because I watch what Apple, Steve Jobs, The New York Times, [insert other wannabe artsy object here] says is avant-garde and true cinema", it speaks volumes

Generally, Hollywood has very very rarely produced a good movie, and nothing at all worth paying for since 2003-2004, its just more CGI and more rips of pre-existing technology (almost any action movie released since 2000 is going to in some way rip technology demonstrated in Star Wars Episode 1, The Matrix, or LOTR)

The J.J. Abrams project may turn something worth watching, however given the direction of American society, I'm guessing it'll just turn out more rehashing of already dead ideas which were cool when they were original due to the society of the time (read: War of the Worlds, I Robot, Pirates of the Carribean (here comes the flames), Transformers, etc)) however modern society manages to turn them into horrific garbage

I hate Apple in general, I think Steve Jobs is a evil man, and I think nearly everything the New York Times puts out is garbage. However, the Matrix did nothing but remind me of every Japense anime I'd seen, and LOTR just reminded me of how much the books themselves sucked (yeah yeah) and how much I hated the acting in it. Neither or what I'd call even good movies in my opinion and I just think its crazy when people consider them so. So yeah... I just never get over the shock.
Well I for one did in fact really enjoy Constantine and the first Pirates of the Caribbean flick. And those were released post-2000.

Especially the latter. I found it to be incredibly funny and entertaining.

I'd have mentioned Casino Royale too but then it struck me that that movie's British; not hollywoodean. :cool:
There's few things funnier than watching a spoiled overpaid model blowing her top for some silly inane reason. :LOL:

...But I doubt it'd make a very good feature-length movie hehe.
10k BC

From the director of Independence Day, Godzilla and The Day After Tomorrow..

10,000 BC(E)

healthy looking people, soft and bright skin, no wrinkles, etc. etc. doesn't seem to portray how 10.000 BCE would really like.

I'll pass....