What is your normal "neutral expression"?


Just curious. I caught some peoples eyes driving home from taking the kids to school and was just noticing the different 'tudes people present to strangers and was intrigued.

I usually keep a slight grin on my face, an open and friendly one and not a smug one....I don't get people who do the "tough guy scowl". :?
Kinda blank, if I'm feeling good, then eyes slightly tighter like I'm "smiling with my eyes" kinda thing. I don't have the big rolly polly uncle dig charm for the semi constant grin, I'd look daft.
me - as if I am half asleep... only on the pictures when I see myself, I actually realize how that really looks like :D
Wife and I just had the film developed from our Florida vacation a few weeks ago and I was surprised at how often I'm smiling in the pics. I tend to smile at others, even strangers, to try and brighten their day, though on the inside I'm a miserable, depressed, moody SoB who hates the world. 8)
If I'm in my own mind, my expression does of course reflect what I'm thinking of. If I'm thinking about something emotionally neutral, I think I look rather blank, and it could probably look like I'm realy bored.

When I'm more aware of my surroundings, I usually have a friendly smile on my face.
I've been told that my standard walking-around-face is "sombre". :|

When I'm talking to people, though, I tend to grin a lot. Some intense eyebrow-movements too. :D

I'd like to have a whimsical half-smile as my standard face, but my lips just don't default that way when I'm not using them. I've tried walking around while keeping a big grin on my face, but that seems to receive a lot of odd looks.
As a child I was told that smiling uses fewer facial muscles than scowling.

I've taken this information on board and now always walk around wearing a scowl as a keep-fit measure. :devilish:

I all depends on my mood...

After a couple of beers, I'm all smiles.
Before that, I'm stiff and very formal with strangers, without being rude obviously.

With friends I like to joke and be sometimes cynical... ;)
I'm a relatively jovial person, but I have a tendency to squint in the sun which kinda makes me look like I'm doing the scowl thing @ times. I'm starting to get character lines (aka: wrinkles) from doing this too much (they go well with my crows feet though) :D
mito said:
I all depends on my mood...

After a couple of beers, I'm all smiles.
Before that, I'm stiff and very formal with strangers, without being rude obviously.

With friends I like to joke and be sometimes cynical... ;)

I'm also quite like that. Normally looking a bit stiff and earnest when I'm with myself, Bambi eyes and smiles with friends after a few pints. I'm VERY cynical, sometimes too much.
My expression is generally one of someone who thinks the world really DOES hate them mixed with "I'm gonna prove that I *can* line dance with the best of 'em" type thang.

See above pic.
im either blank, or im singing "oh doggy, you're gonna get your lumps, oh doggy, you're gonna get some bumps..." over and over....or "you are re - tar - ded" to the beat of whatever's on the radio. sometimes i add the word "so" in the mix too.