What is the first Anime you downloaded?


Not neccesarily the first one you watched, but the first you downloaded, had to mess about with a weird-ass format to get to work and bucks-your-uncle watched. Also what video player did you use and did you have any problems.

The very first Anime i downloaded was;

Cowboy Beebop The Movie - Knocking on Heavens door. They showed the series on CNX which is now known as Toonami. I loved it and the prespect of a movie gave me a stiffy as hard as ivory, but i couldn't find it anywhere in the video stores [even though it had been out for quite a bit] and i never thought of importing it. By a strock of chance i ame across it and downloaded it.

At that time i used V-Lanplayer [I now use Mediaplayer classic and swear by it]. Fortunately the video was dual audio and it didn't take me too long to find the switch to turn of subtitles.

What about you guys. What was the very first one you downloaded.

Come and have a go if you think you are hard enough :D

The first season was wonderful. Also a tear jerker :( . Naruto being treated the way he was, because of what he is was really sad....I loved that about Naruot though...it was a vulnerable side to him.

Cowboy Beebop is so fricken stylish, I love it. The music, images everything! I haven't watched the movie yet..but sounds real good...probably download it this weekend.
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Bleach to find out what Hanners avatar was all about, then he switched it to Naruto and I downloaded that.....been ravenously hooked ever since on waaaay too much anime, but I love it and as vices go it's pretty much a harmless one.
La Blue Girl. A friend of mine told me it was a great anime and to give a try, so I did.

Little did I know it involved nekkid chicks and tentacle sex......:|
Karma Police said:
The "only" anime I've downloaded had some wierd monster and a school-girl..... ;)
That's not anime, that's hentai....BIIIIIG difference.

"Hentai" is japanese for "pervert".

I've actually been picking up a little bit of japanese lately by watching so much subbed anime, I prefer sub-titles to dubbing any day....the voices just work better for me.
"Hentai" is japanese for "pervert".
Literally, it means something along the lines "twisted" or "sicko." It's formed from the root word "hen", which is "weird" or "strange."

Alternate words for pervert can be "chikan", which is occasionally also used to refer to someone as a "molester"... and there's "ecchi", which is just a transliteration into Japanese for someone saying the letter "H" -- "H" referring to, yep, "hentai." "Ecchi" in the context of anime refers to one that's not quite porn, but loaded with fanservice. Ikki Tousen would probably be the prime example of something that pushes the limits of what could be called "ecchi."

There's also the adjective "ero", which refers to porn in general -- "ero-otoko" would be a "perverted guy", as it refers to a guy who has porn on the mind.

BTW, learning Japanese can go by pretty quickly once you realize that the grammar is pretty much defined by a stack. Took me about 8 months to learn, but I was also tl'ing fansubs at the time (i.e. practice makes perfect). Nowadays, I refrain from subs just because I find myself criticizing the translations all the time. When I watch Chobits or Samurai Deeper Kyo (both of which I tl'ed), I just find myself saying "Oh my god, what the hell was I smoking then???"
What's with the japanese and all those tentacles going into orifices anyway? That's just weird! Not to mention disgusting, but hey... Whatever floats yer boat I guess...

*Edit: oh, and just to stay on topic: I don't download movies off the web, so I haven't pirated any anime. :p
Guden Oden said:
What's with the japanese and all those tentacles going into orifices anyway? That's just weird! Not to mention disgusting, but hey... Whatever floats yer boat I guess...

I think the tentacles are the result of the Japanese ban on showing human genitalia - so they invented substitutes. And now we've got tentacle rape hentai pr0n.

I guess all it takes is a ban on some basic stuff for people to come up with entirely new forms of sexual depravity, like the newest trend: Unbirthing.

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ShootMyMonkey said:
Literally, it means something along the lines "twisted" or "sicko." It's formed from the root word "hen", which is "weird" or "strange."

Alternate words for pervert can be "chikan", which is occasionally also used to refer to someone as a "molester"... and there's "ecchi", which is just a transliteration into Japanese for someone saying the letter "H" -- "H" referring to, yep, "hentai." "Ecchi" in the context of anime refers to one that's not quite porn, but loaded with fanservice. Ikki Tousen would probably be the prime example of something that pushes the limits of what could be called "ecchi."

There's also the adjective "ero", which refers to porn in general -- "ero-otoko" would be a "perverted guy", as it refers to a guy who has porn on the mind.

BTW, learning Japanese can go by pretty quickly once you realize that the grammar is pretty much defined by a stack. Took me about 8 months to learn, but I was also tl'ing fansubs at the time (i.e. practice makes perfect). Nowadays, I refrain from subs just because I find myself criticizing the translations all the time. When I watch Chobits or Samurai Deeper Kyo (both of which I tl'ed), I just find myself saying "Oh my god, what the hell was I smoking then???"

Hentai is directly translated to "abnormal" and don't take it too lightly, digi, it is pretty harsh and derogative. As ShootTheMonkey said, ecchi is the more "positive" version.
Anyways, Japanese Grammar is pretty easy to pick up, eight months is really more than sufficient to pick it up, especially if you translated Latin during your school days (sounds weird but there're some strange similarities). Though Japanese has it finesses...
Tanslating stuff: Yeah, it is pretty normal and common to find one's translations inadequate after some time. Most of my stuff is revised several times and even then I am still not quite satisfied: There's sentences that can't be really translated without losig parts of the meaning or sounding just akward. That's why everyone usually tries to read the original if s/he is capable of the language. But I am rambling and derailing the topic...

My first dled anime: HunterXHunter
Still one of my favourites...
L233 said:
I think the tentacles are the result of the Japanese ban on showing human genitalia - so they invented substitutes. And now we've got tentacle rape hentai pr0n.
That does seem reasonable, add to that, japan's pretty male-chauvinistic society in general...

I guess all it takes is a ban on some basic stuff for people to come up with entirely new forms of sexual depravity, like the newest trend: Unbirthing.
I don't think that is all that new, at least as a concept. In anime form, perhaps it is. Still, I dunno if it's THAT sick. Tubgirl - now THAT is sick shit. :LOL:
A very small avi of Project A-Ko. It was the early 90s at university. I used my brand new 486DX2 and my highspeed 14.4 modem to connect to the uni's terminal server, telnet, file search via archie, ftp download in a dettached screen-seasion, next morning I visited the workstation room and harvest my download onto a couple of floppy disks. At home I had to fiddle with Win3.11 in order to get the playback working, the clip was only a few seconds long and just 4-5MB of size, but it was multimedia bliss at its best ... hehe
first anime I downloaded was DBZ .. I saw it on TV and really liked it, then I started downloading episodes they hadn't shown on TV where I live yet
Dont exactly remember, but was likely to be Ghost In The Shell or Princess Mononoke back in 2000 or so. The first series was Cowboy BeBop and last one being FullMetal Alchemist.
The first I saw was Ghost in the Shell (movie).

The first I really liked was FLCL (Furi-Kuri or Fooly-Cooly as it is known in the States).

The first I downloaded myself was Trigun, I guess. Needed something to prolong the Cowboy Bebop feeling, so got meself Outlaw Star and after that Trigun seemed like the next thing.