What is good for stress?


I mean short of xanex, any good herbal/health food type recomendations?

I'm getting to stressed again lately doing the family thing, and since I can't stop doing the family thing I figured I'd better figure a way to cut/deal with the stress better.

I tried kauba-kauba or whatever that stuff is and it was a joke, any recomends from anyone?

I can feel my nerves humming right now, it's bad. :?
digitalwanderer said:
I mean short of xanex, any good herbal/health food type recomendations?

I'm getting to stressed again lately doing the family thing, and since I can't stop doing the family thing I figured I'd better figure a way to cut/deal with the stress better.

I tried kauba-kauba or whatever that stuff is and it was a joke, any recomends from anyone?

I can feel my nerves humming right now, it's bad. :?

fishing golfing, mowing the lawn, playing billiards, reading for pleasure, a bubble bath in lavender salts...two aspirin...
Perhaps give Valerian root a go. Getting enough proper sleep? Maybe there is something you can remove, instead of adding, to reduce stress.

Try removing (if it applies):

Coffee or caffeinated drinks
Diet sodas (Aspartame/NutraSweet)
Sugary foods and candy
Alcohol (although used in moderation and 'porperly', alcohol can be used to self-medicate against stress. Pounding back beers is bad. A shot of vodka or a glass of cognac to take a time out may be good.)

In general, you may want to look into a lower carbohydrate diet (Atkins is not just for losing weight) and take 30 minute walks or more per day. Exercise is important, especially for those of us who tend to sit for long hours in front of a computer screen. Don't relax away from the monitor by lying down for a nap, take a walk, get some fresh air. Lifting weights is good and you don't need to do it like Arnold or for the reasons he did it.

Lots of people who worry about their health think exercising will kill them, but it is probably more common that the lack of exercise gets them first. You don't have to "work out" until you are blue in the face. Just go for a walk. Enjoy it. Maybe it will grow into wanting a bike, then you start taking 1 hour bicycle trips. It can happen very naturally and be fun.

PS. I read that you don't have time and "need a pill," but maybe that is exactly the problem. You need to make the time and not rely on some additive to fix a problem.
A 10-12 once mug of decaffeinated tea along with large daily doses of calcium and some vit b complex works for me. If that doesnt work add melatonin natural supplement but it can make you drowsy. I use that to sleep sometimes.

I take 2-3 mugs of tea a day sometimes (big fan of Red Rose black tea)... Large amounts of calcium also makes you feel a bit high. I find it helps with minor headaches.

On the other end cut down on the caffeine... If you realize decaf actually has tween 5-8% the caffeine of regular coffee you can still get a hit and afford yourself to drink a lot more of it if you like it a lot.
John Reynolds said:
Exercise. Don't have the time? Wake up in the morning before the rest of the family does and exercise then.
Yeah, I think I'll start hitting the bowflex a few times a day. I got no excuses not to and it'd do me a world of good all around.

I remembered now what calms my nerves and feel a LOT better. I just had to put the kids to bed and take the puppies outside for a lil bit...I'm feeling much better now.

I'm not quite sure what day it is, or even what my name is for that matter....but I feel a LOT better.
digitalwanderer said:
I mean short of xanex, any good herbal/health food type recomendations?

I'm getting to stressed again lately doing the family thing, and since I can't stop doing the family thing I figured I'd better figure a way to cut/deal with the stress better.

I tried kauba-kauba or whatever that stuff is and it was a joke, any recomends from anyone?

I can feel my nerves humming right now, it's bad. :?

Errr, weed?
John Reynolds said:
Exercise. Don't have the time? Wake up in the morning before the rest of the family does and exercise then.
I got to second John. You don't have to exercise for hours or especially intense. Take a nice walk, cycle your bike around the block ... stuff like that does wonders to reduce your cortisol (stress hormone) level.
_xxx_ said:
digitalwanderer said:
I mean short of xanex, any good herbal/health food type recomendations?

I'm getting to stressed again lately doing the family thing, and since I can't stop doing the family thing I figured I'd better figure a way to cut/deal with the stress better.

I tried kauba-kauba or whatever that stuff is and it was a joke, any recomends from anyone?

I can feel my nerves humming right now, it's bad. :?

Errr, weed?

good suggestion.... other then that pills if you dont have time for activities and between pills and weed, i think weed is much healthier....
sex (works only temporarely)


take a day of without telling your wife ;) . and be with yourself for one day and relax
I don't think wild monkey sex would be the best solution for digi's problems, as that is likely what led to his current stressful situation! :p

Exercise does sound like a good idea though. No such thing as "there is no time". You HAVE to make the time, the body disintegrates if you don't move it around. Like with cars, except the other way around. :D
What you need is some Floxyfral, or Aventyl hcl... In other words ask a physician psychiatrist for some medication. But of course this is the wrong thing to do.

The right thing to do is let the greatest science known to man heal you. The scientology. Once Xenu's gone from your organism, you'll reach new spheres of conciousness.


Xenu!!! Xenu!!!