What could we do in case of an alien invasion?

wireframe said:
So, did you go with my advice above and hand in a paper with the solution:

PS- We are all out of Xenon and make great pets!



By the time I got to that question, it was pretty much:

"I've got less than two hours to determine the fate of the human race! :oops: "
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Alstrong said:
By the time I got to that question, it was pretty much:

"I've got less than two hours to determine the fate of the human race! :oops: "
I think you should share the solution. Who knows, maybe some day it will be down to someone from here having to implement a solution really fast.

"Dammit...this guy on B3D knew how to do this...why didn't I pay attention!!!!:devilish:"

"Oh no...here they come again!!! Run!!!"

lol, the solution ignores a couple things... it's like trying to carry around a laser that would actually do damage to concrete. The machinery needed would not be feasible to carry around. :LOL:

...but I guess if we were to shield bunkers or missile bays... or giant ground based weapons...

Mind you all, this shielding stuff only applies to lasers. So I don't want to see a bunch of PMs with "Build me a personal shield!" or similar as a subject ;)
Alstrong said:
the solution ignores a couple things... it's like trying to carry around a laser that would actually do damage to concrete. The machinery needed would not be feasible to carry around. :LOL:

...but I guess if we were to shield bunkers or missile bays... or giant ground based weapons...

Mind you all, this shielding stuff only applies to lasers. So I don't want to see a bunch of PMs with "Build me a personal shield!" or similar as a subject ;)
Well, it's no big loss really because they won't be using lasers. ;)

Well, the question was what ionization state should be used to make the plasma good enough to reflect the laser. I might have missed something, but essentially, we want the frequency of the plasma to be much bigger than the frequency of the laser. So we take the 3um laser as a worst case scenario. There's a critical density where the two frequencies are equal. From there it's a matter of choosing the ionization state of the Xe gas, which directly affects the plasma frequency....which I think I messed up by choosing 10... my chemistry is a little fuzzy, but I don't think that's possible? :LOL:
Nothing. If an alien race could travel here, we could do nothing honestly.

We as humans are to selfish to compete genocide and take our selves and them out all at once. Maybe someone has those guts, but are geo filled leaders certainlly do not.

At best the aliens would come, check us out, communicate, determine if we're worthy and either share their technology, or simply leave. At worst they would either enslave us all or simply destory us.

The more pressing issue to me though has always been what if we were the invaders. I personally think we would enslave, we dont have the misery built in to simply destory.

Thinking of ways to fight an alien race, that has traveled here, is rather stupid. The only way you will come to any conclusion that will make you even remotely comfortable is if you make them unrealisticly (lol) weak.
Alstrong said:
Well, the question was what ionization state should be used to make the plasma good enough to reflect the laser. I might have missed something, but essentially, we want the frequency of the plasma to be much bigger than the frequency of the laser. So we take the 3um laser as a worst case scenario. There's a critical density where the two frequencies are equal. From there it's a matter of choosing the ionization state of the Xe gas, which directly affects the plasma frequency....which I think I messed up by choosing 10... my chemistry is a little fuzzy, but I don't think that's possible? :LOL:
I think the better answer is to take a page out of their book, which they stole from The Karate Kid btw, and "don't be there." Of course, not being there is somehat annoying so maybe they would tell the laser not to be there.

"Mr Laser, meet Mr Wormhole. We'd love to store your energy for our own use or redirect you to your source, but we are a bit busy right now. Terribly sorry, ol' chap. ;)"

PS. Fuzzy chemistry works for me. I just nod like any decent human would when they have no idea what you are talking about. :smile:
oh if only my profs did the same with my solutions... but then they wouldn't be profs would they... doh!

But yeah... not much could be done if aliens were to invade... Unless they were a race of humans through parallel evolution except that their males all died out hence the search for me.... I mean Earth.
"Our planet is dying and devoid of men. Only 10,000 of us Bimbos, from the planet Bimbonia, remain. We have accepted our fate and have not come to reproduce. We just want to 'cuddle' and take kinky photos. Take us to your Alstrong!"

Ok, now we are really stretching it as far as the assumptions go. :LOL:
What makes you think they're not already here? I for one think Kruno is one of them and prepares us for the "soft" invasion... :LOL: :devilish:
wireframe said:
Exactly. And why limit ourselves to thinking "hundreds of years ahead"? Why not think hundreds of thousands of years? Perhaps their technological advancements stagnated 10,000 years ago when they realized they knew everything there is to know about the Universe...and now they just want to eat it! :p

Who would eat Michael Jackson?
Maybe the chemicals in his body would appeal to them more than normal humans...

Maybe this whole craze about plastic surgery was all a ploy to make us "tastier", so that when they get here they can have lots of silicon-powered humans!!!!!!!111
Would they eat your grandma with her silicon enhancements?

I would tell them to go home, but not before they give me the an*l probe! ....wait, it has happened to me, so it was an alien?!?!?
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rabidrabbit said:
Would they eat your grandma with her silicon enhancements?

I would tell them to go home, but not before they give me the an*l probe! ....wait, it has happened to me, so it was an alien?!?!?

You mean my mum? She does have implants. My granma doesn't, last time i checked.
Don't Panic!

"due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog". The Guide concludes with the reassuring nugget of wisdom, "this sort of thing is going on all the time"
Trust Kruno to start a topic like this... :LOL:

Skrying said:
Nothing. If an alien race could travel here, we could do nothing honestly.
All they'd have to do is push one or a couple large-ish asteroids into earth's gravity well, it doesn't matter where they land, they could splash in the ocean and it'd make no discernible difference to the end result. Then they wait for a few months until everything's frozen solid after the dust clouds have blocked out the sun's light, and come down from orbit and set up shop. Sweet fanny adams we can do to stop something like that from happening, and they don't have to use even a single of their esoteric alien weapons, which may or may not even work in reality. ;)

The more pressing issue to me though has always been what if we were the invaders. I personally think we would enslave
No shit! Human beings have to be one of, if not THE most violent, xenophobic species this universe has ever produced. We can't even make peace with ourselves, imagine if we were to go to a different planet and find an alien species living there, no matter how benign, people would go apeshit because of it. If not simply because they'd be alien beings that look weird, then because they'd be GODLESS alien beings that look like demons and devils and clearly needs to be destroyed like the bible says. You all know it would happen.

Next we'd blame some reason why our own society isn't working as it should on them, and announce how eliminating the alien threat would fix our problems. Not in so many words perhaps (because politicians - the most dangerous animal of them all - are usually smarter and more cynical/sinister than that), but it would certainly be strongly implied.

Thinking of ways to fight an alien race, that has traveled here, is rather stupid. The only way you will come to any conclusion that will make you even remotely comfortable is if you make them unrealisticly (lol) weak.
Agreed. Anything capable of traversing interstellar space is also capable of exterminating us with no risk to themselves, should they so choose. Personally I wouldn't mind very much because we're too dangerous to allow to live, but I do hope they wouldn't harm our planet's ecosystem in the process. :)
Guden Oden said:
Trust Kruno to start a topic like this... :LOL:

All they'd have to do is push one or a couple large-ish asteroids into earth's gravity well, it doesn't matter where they land, they could splash in the ocean and it'd make no discernible difference to the end result. Then they wait for a few months until everything's frozen solid after the dust clouds have blocked out the sun's light, and come down from orbit and set up shop. Sweet fanny adams we can do to stop something like that from happening, and they don't have to use even a single of their esoteric alien weapons, which may or may not even work in reality. ;)

Man that's SLOW!! And even then, they'd come down to a frozen planet with very little meat (in case they eat this kind of stuff) and probably very little vegetation (if they care about their back gardens)... Bit useless isn't it...

Much easier to come down and disguise themselves as us, and just as slowly take over our planet with no harm done to the environment.

Or have homing bullets and shoot 6 billion times, one for each person. Actually they don't even have to kill us all, only the rich ones that can possibly threaten them in any way. African children dying of AIDS aren't worth a homing bullet for example. Cost containment must be valid for alien spieces too!!!

No shit! Human beings have to be one of, if not THE most violent, xenophobic species this universe has ever produced. We can't even make peace with ourselves, imagine if we were to go to a different planet and find an alien species living there, no matter how benign, people would go apeshit because of it. If not simply because they'd be alien beings that look weird, then because they'd be GODLESS alien beings that look like demons and devils and clearly needs to be destroyed like the bible says. You all know it would happen.
Next we'd blame some reason why our own society isn't working as it should on them, and announce how eliminating the alien threat would fix our problems. Not in so many words perhaps (because politicians - the most dangerous animal of them all - are usually smarter and more cynical/sinister than that), but it would certainly be strongly implied.

Or, in a less dramatic way, it could very well go the Afghanistan or Iraq way. We need their resources (mineral, oxigen, whatever) and they are the only thing standing between the salvation of humanity and.. something... They HAVE to die. They MUST have hidden weapons that could destroy our solar system within 45 minutes.
Also, they are enslaving and torturing their own people!! They must be saved. Their way of life is wrong and we should fix it. Invasion is the only way.

Agreed. Anything capable of traversing interstellar space is also capable of exterminating us with no risk to themselves, should they so choose. Personally I wouldn't mind very much because we're too dangerous to allow to live, but I do hope they wouldn't harm our planet's ecosystem in the process. :)

That's so....... Greenpeace-activist-chaining-himself-to-the-drilling-bit-of-a-huge-drinning-thing-in-the-ocean-which-is-bound-to-kill-thousands-of-fish-if-they-start-drilling!!! I'll die before one fish will die!!!
I always wanted to join the Pentagon since I was little to get the aliens.
I still think there is something seriously out there that could pose a threat to our world.
K.I.L.E.R said:
I always wanted to join the Pentagon since I was little to get the aliens.
I still think there is something seriously out there that could pose a threat to our world.


Wandering Black Holes? You should always be careful which Black Holes you get close to...
The only realistic salvation is to be their slaves and letting our women breed 'halflings'. Then hope many Aliens sympathise with the halfling and many halflings with us, we may then get some rights or at least 'Pet' - Status (ala Day of the Tentacle).