What bugs you about people online?

People who don't listen to anything you tell them at all insisting that spending more money is the way to do it and they also happen to be a mod and then go on a ban-spree for being told their wrong


mods who ban people because the mod is an idiot in the first place and gets corrected in a polite manner, and decides to take it as a personal insult, to justify a ban
in other words, mods and admins who take bbs too seriously and act like it's some sort of lifeline

That's it, you're banned.
It bothers me how everyone else seems to lead such interesting, fullfilling lives, with considered opinions on everything under the sun.

In compaison I feel like a boring old toad.

It's also annoying when people post how great it is when talentless hacks do shitty hip-hop embelished <cough> tributes </cough> of Pink Floyd classics.

I feel compelled to nail them to inverted crucifixs and burn them alive so that their souls may be damned for all eterinity.
Nothing really bugs me about people online (there's no-one on my ignore list), but their posting habits do annoy me. Number one annoyance is bad spelling, grammar and punctuation. Surely the difference between their, there and they're isn't that hard to fathom? Or your and you're, which is an error so common it was even a joke in Friends. Number two is the tireless rebutter syndrome which results in *huge* posts.