What brought you here and made you join Beyond3D?

Just remembered how it happened to me and sort of cracked up about it. It was about 15-1/2 years ago and I was over at Elite Bastards and someone had some new information that I wanted to know the source of and they told me Beyond3D, but suggested I not go over there since it was a very serious forum for only the most supremely gifted of the technology knowledgeable to post at and he feared I would be ripped to shreds and humiliated since "your type of posting won't go over well there.".

So I basically did it on a bet because a friend of mine thought I couldn't. In fairness to him, it DID take a long time to adjust to here...but somewhere along the way I stopped feeling like a visitor and started feeling like a part of the community and I really love that. Plus he was right that I'm out of my depths here, but that's the only way I figured I'd be able to learn more was to throw myself in the deep end and hope for the best...and that's what I got. Contrary to my expectations there were tons of people here willing to take the time to explain things or point me where to go to learn about them, and I've really enjoyed and benefited from all the edumaction. Thanks.

How all did you folks find your way here? I'm trying to relax a bit today, so I figured this would be an easy and non-controversial subject for a change to just sit back, enjoy, and reminisce a bit. :)
that was a long time ago, I don't think I remember, I mostly lurked to absorb all possible knowledge until I reach critical mass... ^^
I remember Dimension3D that was before Beyond3D, and Beyond3D as a forum only ^^
Can't remember exactly how I found this place. I know I was looking for a place to catch up on 3D tech & consoles after being away from the industry for over a year. Remember finding a lot of guys from my old Dimension3D forums here. Felt like home immediately.

Tommy McClain
Once upon a time in an era known now only as the "nineties" there was a flourishing online community exchanging ideas, benchmark results and image quality debates using an ancient means of communication called "USENET News." The community lived in a small subset of that communication medium commonly referred to as the "3dfx groups."

Then times changed and that fabled era known as the "nineties" gave way to a new era where 3d cards needed something called "T&L" but, alas, 3dfx cards focused on an older religion known as "bandwidth" and, as such, 3dfx faded into oblivion and, with them, so too went that fabled community in the 3dfx groups.

The terrible destruction of the USENET community led to a refuge crisis. Fortunately for the 3dfxers, xenophobia was frowned upon in those days and another community, "Beyond 3D Forums" and their leader "Wavey Dave" welcomed the 3dfx refugees.

So, yeah, that's why I'm here. Quite a few others too, though we don't participate as much as we once did. Old age.
Once upon a time in an era known now only as the "nineties" there was a flourishing online community exchanging ideas, benchmark results and image quality debates using an ancient means of communication called "USENET News." The community lived in a small subset of that communication medium commonly referred to as the "3dfx groups."

Then times changed and that fabled era known as the "nineties" gave way to a new era where 3d cards needed something called "T&L" but, alas, 3dfx cards focused on an older religion known as "bandwidth" and, as such, 3dfx faded into oblivion and, with them, so too went that fabled community in the 3dfx groups.

The terrible destruction of the USENET community led to a refuge crisis. Fortunately for the 3dfxers, xenophobia was frowned upon in those days and another community, "Beyond 3D Forums" and their leader "Wavey Dave" welcomed the 3dfx refugees.

So, yeah, that's why I'm here. Quite a few others too, though we don't participate as much as we once did. Old age.
Oi, Mize are you trying to steal my position as b3d's resident religious scholar ?
In the beginning there was the word - aka text based games like Zork
and the people did thank the Gaming Gods, but those who rejected the word were eaten by a grue
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