Web Browsing on the XBOX 360 - How To

I stumbled upon some instructions for setting up X360 as a web browser
here: http://forums.xbox-scene.com/index.php?showtopic=464433&st=0&gopid=3094760

And here's some courtesy pics!






Unfortunately no mouse support right now, and certainly not optimized for viewing through the TV, but I can perform searches and scroll, back and enter functions also work, just no tab support.

It's a start!
yes, the same way it plays music, videos, pictures and liveTV...

the 360 acts as a dumb client, everything is executed on the PC. The plus side for this is absolutely no chance of catching a virus.

All someone needs to do is code a custom browser for the 360, then you could add it to the 'more programs' and you should be good to go....hmm..where did I put that Visual Studio 2000 box? lol...
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scooby_dooby said:
The plus side for this is absolutely no chance of catching a virus.
...On the 360. The PC would be as vulnerable as ever of course.

Can it show any program's interface or just a few select [Microsoft] ones?

All someone needs to do is code a custom browser for the 360, then you could add it to the 'more programs' and you should be good to go....
Yeah, all you need to do is crack that public key encryption system the console uses. :) Heck, did anyone really reverse-engineer the authorization shit in the original xbox to make homebrewn programs able to run without using some kind of glitch or exploit? The system used in the 360 seems to be far, far worse. In the "more effective" sense, of course...
Guden Oden said:
...On the 360. The PC would be as vulnerable as ever of course.

Can it show any program's interface or just a few select [Microsoft] ones?

Yeah, all you need to do is crack that public key encryption system the console uses. :) Heck, did anyone really reverse-engineer the authorization shit in the original xbox to make homebrewn programs able to run without using some kind of glitch or exploit? The system used in the 360 seems to be far, far worse. In the "more effective" sense, of course...
The PC is vulnerable I guess, but between my firewalls and realtime antivirus protection there's no risk. If it were running on the box, you would need antivirus for your console, and you also might pick up a specific console targeted virus if someone were so inclined.

Right now I think it only will accept certain apps, that it thinks work with MCE, I think it's just a matter of fooling MCE into thinking a custom app belongs in the More Programs list, this shouldn't be too hard since the protection is built into MCE, not the xbox, but that's just a guess.

XBOX1, had to mod it first, using an exploit or modchip. As soon as it's modded it can run any unsigned executables. And there were tons off bug free apps excellent apps.

This is different though since the app is run on the PC, it shoudl be much easier to fool the extender than it would be to get unsigned code to run off the box itself.

Anyways, I thought it was a cool little experiment, not very functional right now, but we're only 2 weeks in.
So it's not particularly web-browsing on the XB360. Least not in the same way PSP can browse. The XB360 has no browser software and without an MCE computer it can't browse at all. Is there anything particular about the XB360 required for this, or does it just offer a keyboard interface? Can other programs on MCE be hooked into?

I have to say you also have a cheek replying to your first post to beat the forum's 3 pics per post limit! Post 3 pics and link the rest; don't cheat the system!
scooby_dooby said:
Right now I think it only will accept certain apps, that it thinks work with MCE, I think it's just a matter of fooling MCE into thinking a custom app belongs in the More Programs list
I was kind of wanting to punt over Winamp's output to the box, since the built-in player can't play mod files... On the other hand, it would be even better with a comprehensive media player of its own on the machine (preferably one that'll play SIDs too... :D), so that I won't have to bog down my PC with running a music player and visualizer on top of all the other junk already burdening it...

XBOX1, had to mod it first, using an exploit or modchip. As soon as it's modded it can run any unsigned executables.
Alright, so the signing algorithm was never cracked I take it. It would be a much better alternative if homebrewers could sign their own apps so they'd run without having to mod the console. I'm never going to have any of my consoles modded, just too damn costly and risky, with online accounts being closed when people go online with modded boxes and such.
Guden Oden said:
I was kind of wanting to punt over Winamp's output to the box, since the built-in player can't play mod files... On the other hand, it would be even better with a comprehensive media player of its own on the machine (preferably one that'll play SIDs too... :D), so that I won't have to bog down my PC with running a music player and visualizer on top of all the other junk already burdening it...

Alright, so the signing algorithm was never cracked I take it. It would be a much better alternative if homebrewers could sign their own apps so they'd run without having to mod the console. I'm never going to have any of my consoles modded, just too damn costly and risky, with online accounts being closed when people go online with modded boxes and such.
Well what I've done is create winamp playlists on the PC, then save them in your music share. The X360 will automatically detect these playlists, and allow you to select them. I've created various playlists like racing, sports, action, shitlist etc etc works very well. Much better than trying to create a playlist in the 360 interface which is a royal PITA. It works well though, since the drag and drop fuinctionality of the PC is by far the easiest way to build your playlists, then you just use the 360 from that point on.

The MS singing code was never cracked, they cracked the box which made signing unnescesary. It actually got to the point where you could 'softmod' a box with nothing more than a spare IDE cable, 2 torx screws and basic DOS knowledge. I've modded almost a dozen for friends, really easy.

As for getting banned form live, I never did go on live for that reason, but with a modchip you could simply turn it off and you wouldn't be banned. Also, when banned, you're oly banned on that specific machine, so you can use a different machine and setup your account again, i belive swapping HDD's also worked...not sure on that one but there WAS a way to make them think you had a different machine(MS did something where they stored your EPROM and username in tehir database, and compared them, I never really got into this so my knowledge is fuzzy). But ya, if you want to go on live the best bet is a modchip that can be switched on and off.
Shifty Geezer said:
So it's not particularly web-browsing on the XB360. Least not in the same way PSP can browse. The XB360 has no browser software and without an MCE computer it can't browse at all. Is there anything particular about the XB360 required for this, or does it just offer a keyboard interface? Can other programs on MCE be hooked into?

I have to say you also have a cheek replying to your first post to beat the forum's 3 pics per post limit! Post 3 pics and link the rest; don't cheat the system!

It has a built in keyboard interface you can use, and yes you would need a MCE or Vista machine to do this as it's done through the media center extender.

We're still using trial and error to find out which apps can and can't be run. Basically I think if you could make an app that runs on you MCE PC using the remote control, that same app should work with the 360, but it'll probably have to be custom apps. At least it's just windows applications which should be fairly easy to program.
stupid acronyms! WinXP-MCE (media center edition) I don't think Media Center Extender (MCE) is an official acronym.

MS really needs to sort this shit out. :rolleyes:
Someone should write a VNC client for Xbox 360. That way, one could have a complete control of the target Windows PC.

Nice article.

I've gotten my AVI files to run on the 360 by embedding them in a webpage. Only problem is, there's no sound - and I have to deal with the performance lag of running those AVIs in a webpage to begin with :rolleyes:

One step at a time ;)
hongcho said:
Someone should write a VNC client for Xbox 360. That way, one could have a complete control of the target Windows PC.


Or Remote Desktop Client.

Oh of course MS won't allow that.

Or real keyboard mouse support, even though it has USB ports.