Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

hard working on a game for 2+ years and seeing the majority of internet people shiting on it without even having tried the game yet must be depressing.
hard working on a game for 2+ years and seeing the majority of internet people shiting on it without even having tried the game yet must be depressing.

Heh. I don't think "majority" is correct word to use here. There are haters but that's the reality of modern AAA development. Some will protest and it's fine. Rest of us can enjoy the great, good and sometimes not so good games :cool:

Watch Dogs is really VRAM hungry. AndyBNV says: Usage at 4K with 4xTXAA is ~5.6GB. Without hardware AA it's about 5GB.

I kinda like it. We got stuck to 2GB way too long (even if my current card is now obsolite).
Cross posting some screengrabs that I took from PS4 footage posted at GAF. The game can look very good IMO. Daytime looks kind of flat, but realistic I suppose. Overall I think it's a great looking game.
hard working on a game for 2+ years and seeing the majority of internet people shiting on it without even having tried the game yet must be depressing.

Some of the comments are over harsh IMO, the graphics can be a bit inconsistent but look pretty good overall and tbh the game itself looks awesome to me. But none of that is the problem. The problem is we were promised something completely different and the game has fallen far short of that. People are bound to be bitter about that and the devs really do only have themselves to blame for that. Kudos on making a great game but they shouldn't have promised what they couldn't (and perhaps never had any intention to) deliver.
Cross posting some screengrabs that I took from PS4 footage posted at GAF. The game can look very good IMO. Daytime looks kind of flat, but realistic I suppose. Overall I think it's a great looking game.

Looks pretty good to me.
I might just pick this up game up, was going to go ahead
and pre order but after all the stuff I'd read online I held off.
I think I'll wait for it to release and for everyone
to drop their impressions then I'll go ahead and pick it up.

I also think it would be cool if someone did a like for like comparison
between the E3 2012 demo and the final game but only if the mission
shown at E3 in 2012, made it to the final title.
The screens posted here and the videos doing the rounds simply illustrate :The game looks great on the ps4 :) !

Now,shut up and play :yep2: , i mean, when it unlocks ! I think its the wait to play it thats making the world go crazy !
Some of the comments are over harsh IMO, the graphics can be a bit inconsistent but look pretty good overall and tbh the game itself looks awesome to me. But none of that is the problem. The problem is we were promised something completely different and the game has fallen far short of that. People are bound to be bitter about that and the devs really do only have themselves to blame for that. Kudos on making a great game but they shouldn't have promised what they couldn't (and perhaps never had any intention to) deliver.

But maybe the devs were promised that the tech would be powerful enough for their vision of the game in 2014 but it did not meet their expectations so they had to tone down their game ?
PS4 Pre-Load Licence Problem - and fix!

I don't know if this happened to anybody else but I pre-ordered WATCH_DOGS on the UK PSN store on Friday and it pre-loaded yesterday morning. This morning I wake up and find i can't play it, the game icon has a padlock icon on it which means the licence is invalid.

Sure enough, if you try to start the game you'll get a message which reads "Cannot start the application. Cannot connect to the server to verify the licence." At this point you can try going to Settings -> PSN and Restoring Licences. This errors out for with NP-34993-8 and I expected this but if it works for you then this will solve the problem.

If you got the error and Sony have not taken your money yet, there is a fix. Go into Settings -> PSN -> Account Information and find the £0.00 transaction that is your WD pre-order, if you have a lot of recent transactions you can go into each transaction to see what it's for. When you find the one for WD, cancel the pre-order - don't worrying this will not delete the game :)

Now go back into the PSN Store and just buy the game, it'll unlock straight away.

Really nailing it, Sony :rolleyes:
I don't know if this happened to anybody else but I pre-ordered WATCH_DOGS on the UK PSN store on Friday and it pre-loaded yesterday morning. This morning I wake up and find i can't play it, the game icon has a padlock icon on it which means the licence is invalid.

Sure enough, if you try to start the game you'll get a message which reads "Cannot start the application. Cannot connect to the server to verify the licence." At this point you can try going to Settings -> PSN and Restoring Licences. This errors out for with NP-34993-8 and I expected this but if it works for you then this will solve the problem.

If you got the error and Sony have not taken your money yet, there is a fix. Go into Settings -> PSN -> Account Information and find the £0.00 transaction that is your WD pre-order, if you have a lot of recent transactions you can go into each transaction to see what it's for. When you find the one for WD, cancel the pre-order - don't worrying this will not delete the game :)

Now go back into the PSN Store and just buy the game, it'll unlock straight away.

Really nailing it, Sony :rolleyes:

Damn, I was fully expecting to see your views on the game this morning...
Damn, I was fully expecting to see your views on the game this morning...

I've only been playing 30 mins or so but I'm feeling it already, much quicker than GTA V. The initial tutorial (hacking, cover, distractions, police evasion) are neat but poorly explained so it's a good job I watched a ton of vids that show chaining cameras hacks.

I've just got to my hideout and haven't adapted to the cars yet (more arcadey than GTA) but I swiped a bike which I really like. There are only a few hacks available at the start of the game so I imagine the few first missions will be building up skill points to spend in the skills I want to focus on.

I've decided to leave online enabled so I'm already freasking out when pedestrians act a bit weird. Is that another player? :neutral: 30 mins in and already paranoid LOL. Ok, back to it :)
DigitalFoundry: Does Watch Dogs deliver on its stunning E3 2012 reveal?

Digital Foundry were very quick.

DF said:
Does Watch Dogs truly deliver on the promise of its initial E3 2012 reveal? The short answer is yes. Cutting away the obviously pre-rendered CG inserts at E3 2012 leaves a slice of gameplay that is indeed a close match for the final game. In fact, the finished game comes out of the comparison very favourably, because that original demo only represented a tiny fraction of the overall offering; Watch Dogs as it ships is an ambitious project with a massive cityscape to explore and a vast array of tasks to carry out. The only downside is that, on a conceptual level, this still feels like a game that takes the template established by the last-gen Grand Theft Auto titles and merely embellishes it - often dramatically - as opposed to completely reinventing the genre in the way that many might have hoped. Whether it's the true next-gen experience you wanted is down your expectations, then, but on a technical level we do not feel duped by the original reveal.
Wow, GTA is much more impressive than I realised. I only don't agree with the car falling into the water - that looks much better in Watch Dogs.

The world itself looks very good at times, very busy and detailed and huge draw distances in Watch Dogs. But this video certainly shows how impressive GTA V is. Makes me want to go back to playing that.
From this video:

Lighting in real life is SO dull!
You've selected images that include prebaked GI. They look more convincing. Doesn't disprove the lack of shadowing or AO in other parts of the game though which is what's causing people to grumble.

Much of the video is pretty nice. There are clearly no dynamic street light shadows though, unlike the early demos.
Digital Foundry were very quick.

This whole "downgrade" debate has been very interesting. For example, I haven't been able to notice any major differences but for some it's like e3 2012 and game we have now is like generation apart. I wonder why that is?

Sight changes in art direction? Mistake CGI for real time footage? Different lighting system? Carefully crafted hand picked sequence with bokeh dof?

Maybe Ubisoft needs to use more smoke and mirrors. Forget real world for generation or two.