Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

Possibly Ubi screwed up making this cross-gen, which necessarily nerfs the gfx. Too be fair, they expected it to come out last Nov, when it probably seemed like a better idea.

Still think this game can sell a lot because it hits in a dry period.

Is there any real confirmation for X1=960p news posted above?

I do remember the rumor from Famousmortimer or somebody was Dogs=900P on X1, Witcher 3 was slated at 720P supposedly (PS4 version 900P)

Edit: Google tells me 960P is 1280X960. Such as it exists at all which isn't much. Since the only site reporting this appears to be that Arabgamer, I'm calling bunk. If anything you'd expect possibly 900P on X1.
Its weird. The PS4 version they showed at E3 last year was much more technically advanced than the version this year. And that was already downgraded from the initial reveal trailer.

And its not just foggy memory either.

Initial 2012 E3 high end PC trailer

PS4 2013 E3 Trailer

2014 Story Trailer

The only thing i can infer is that there was some outside reason why the graphics were downgraded on PS4. They looked great at E32013 even though they were downgraded from initial reveal, and there weren't really any performance problems that i saw.

You can tell a clear difference in the actual ocean waves that they were downgraded, as well as Aiden's face is much less complex now. Maybe they downgraded to maintain their graphics pipeline for last gen and current gen?
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Absolutely pathetic. I remember seeing that E3 2012 video and being blown away by how amazing it looked. Great atmosphere. Now all the subtleties and effects, and amazing lighting, all of it has been severely downgraded to a level that makes it seem like it went back a complete generation. Disappointing. I just wonder what the PC version looks like, because ever since Sony officially announced the PS4, they've been showing off PS4 footage of the game due to their partnership with Ubisoft. I highly doubt they left the PC version untouched, because even with PC having better hardware, I refuse to believe that the difference between the PS4 and PC version would be THAT big. Most probably they downgraded it across the board due to the last-gen consoles. Knowing Ubisoft and their tradition of downgrading with earlier games, there's a big chance the PC version will be affected by this.
Absolutely pathetic. I remember seeing that E3 2012 video and being blown away by how amazing it looked. Great atmosphere. Now all the subtleties and effects, and amazing lighting, all of it has been severely downgraded to a level that makes it seem like it went back a complete generation. Disappointing. I just wonder what the PC version looks like, because ever since Sony officially announced the PS4, they've been showing off PS4 footage of the game due to their partnership with Ubisoft. I highly doubt they left the PC version untouched, because even with PC having better hardware, I refuse to believe that the difference between the PS4 and PC version would be THAT big. Most probably they downgraded it across the board due to the last-gen consoles. Knowing Ubisoft and their tradition of downgrading with earlier games, there's a big chance the PC version will be affected by this.

When Ubisoft downgraded Far Cry 3 , it downgraded the PC version too. Don't have high hopes.
Its weird. The PS4 version they showed at E3 last year was much more technically advanced than the version this year.

Are you comparing like for like? I.e. which platform is the story trailer from? It could be 360, PS3 or Xbox One.
Is it possible to count the pixels from the last footage (verify PS3, PS4, XB360 or XB1)? The IQ seems muted in many areas...
I'm going to bet GTA V will be 1080p/30fps PS4 and 720p/30fps XB1. Anyhow, another sub 1080p game in the XB1 column...

Why do you say that? Are you just trolling because I really dont think thats going to happen.
Didnt it already run at 720p on the 360? There are only 2 games that run 1080p on ps4 and 720p on X1 Cod ghost and MGS Gs. There are alot of other games that match res on both consoles. You know that there isnt that big of a gap between these 2 systems. Realistically most future games will match res on the system and those that dont will be 1080p vs 900p.
I just feel as if alot of people are really trying to push the agenda of the xbox one being a 720 machine but its just not true. In fact it would be damn unlikely that a last gen version of GTA V would run at 720p 30fps on the X1 anyway. It may happen if they were to shoot for 60 fps but I doubt that also.
Why do you say that?

Because I believe it, it's my opinion at the moment, based on previous multi-platform titles.

Because the engine is last generation doesn't mean nothing... as XB1 couldn't handle a few previous generation engines anyhow. Plus, the engine may use higher quality assets to boot, compared to the PS3 and XB360 version. Anyhow, there are rumors from reliable sources (same sources) who have been 100% right about previous multi platform titles... especially XB1 having the shorter-end of the stick.
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IMO, all these bad graphics come from some alpha/beta version of PS3/X360 versions of the game. There are clear distinction in quality of lightning between "bad" and "great" videos.

edit -

Even the corn building [Marina City] was removed in oldgen version and replaced with generic lowpoly building. There is no way that Ubi downgraded game that much for nextgen. Most probably all media got the same b-roll, which had few oldgen videos.
edit2- nvm, minimap shows two different locations
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Yeah this trailer simply has to be the last generation version of the game, or even mobile version lol. The difference is WAY to huge to just be a simple downgrade. Ubi need to speak up on this now.
To say the massive downgrade came from crossgen title is flawed, other crossgen games such as AC4, MGS GZ, COD Ghost or even BF4 didn't receive nearly as much of an impact. Something is up alright, either this is the last gen footage or it's from very low end PCs. Also comparison shows no apple to apple scene which is meaningless at best.