Watch_Dogs by Ubisoft

New trailer released, graphics looks far less impressive this time, especially when compared to Infamous Second Son.

In fact it looks far worse than ever, polygon count is humble, reflections are weak, dynamic shadows are few. It just looks like AC4's engine but with computers and modern cars. This is not a next gen at all.
I've just had an email from GAME UK advising that my long ago (and forgotten) disc preorder for Watch Dogs releases in the UK on 27 May.
New trailer released, graphics looks far less impressive this time, especially when compared to Infamous Second Son.

In fact it looks far worse than ever, polygon count is humble, reflections are weak, dynamic shadows are few. It just looks like AC4's engine but with computers and modern cars. This is not a next gen at all.

Yeah that video made it look 100% like a last generation game. I'm tempted to believe they showed the 360 version although why they would do that only god knows. Certainly previous videos have demonstrated MUCH better graphics.
New trailer released, graphics looks far less impressive this time, especially when compared to Infamous Second Son.

In fact it looks far worse than ever, polygon count is humble, reflections are weak, dynamic shadows are few. It just looks like AC4's engine but with computers and modern cars. This is not a next gen at all.

Makes me curious if the devs aimed higher than what the consoles could output at launch
final game doesn't look anywhere near initial trailer? That is normal for Ubisoft.

I'm OK with it looking as it does as long as it plays better. If the environment is more dynamic than GTA/Infamous, in ways that meaningly enhance gameplay and gameplay options, then that's good. If the ability to interact with the environment (go in and out of buildings etc) and peds and other objections in the environment is better than GTA/Infamous, then that's good.

I'm all for better graphics but what Watch Dogs offered for me, was the promise of more interactivity with the game world, more ways to change and influence it and more options on how to accomplish your mission, plus consequences for your actions.

It may not deliver, but that's what I'm interested in.

Just spotted a Eurogamer article on why it was delayed. I hope the delay was worth it.
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Initial trailer = beefy PC
Newest trailer = PS4

There is still hope that PC version will have better effects [like Black Flag] on PC.
Well, NVIDIA will add the usual package that they used in Black Flag and Black List: HBAO+, Tessellation, TXAA, PCSS, and maybe PhysX (if they are enthusiastic enough). But none of these is truly ground breaking. They make the graphics better alright, but can't transform an old-gen looking game into a jarring next-gen one.
Well, NVIDIA will add the usual package that they used in Black Flag and Black List: HBAO+, Tessellation, TXAA, PCSS, and maybe PhysX (if they are enthusiastic enough).
Are you part of some secret tessellation lobby, or as I am beginning to believe, have you found a way to monetise the mentioning of tessellation on forums? :cool:
Someone from the dev team said already last year that the ubisoft marketing team is using some weak PCs to cut trailers.
I'd say this latest trailer is definitely a step down compared to GTAV on PS360 from what I've seen of that game. Nevermind what it will end up looking like on PSONE+PC.
final game doesn't look anywhere near initial trailer? That is normal for Ubisoft.

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory matched the reveal


Ubisoft are pushing their "bullvideos" too hard though.