Volt Modding a 9800 Pro


I read that Sapphire's 9800 Pro 256MB DDR-II board uses Samsung memory modules that are rated for 450Mhz operation, but because Sapphire undervolted the memory, it can run max at 380Mhz. I have mine running at 371Mhz without artifacting.

Question is, how can I mod my 9800 Pro so I can up the memory speed much closer to its true theoretical limit? I've googled the topic but there don't seem to be any guides. Thanks for any help.
Natoma said:
Is that the only one available? I was kinda hoping for a step by step explanation. :)
Pic is pretty clear imo, first time you vmod something i assume ? ;)
Anyway, ill look for a guide. Dont shoot me if i cant find one. :)
Or, if i find a little bit time, i'll write a tutorial ..