Virtual Reality has turned to Monkey Ball!


I laugh at you! HA HA HA!
Check out the Virtusphere!

The Virtusphere!

Immersiveness has gone up a notch and I won't make a crack about Nintendo, yay! Although...mix this with the Revolution controller...and you may be able to pull Mario from an alternate dimension to do your bidding....but its still a theory in works and I would more than likely pull Princess Peach instead of Mario >.>

It states that the Military (No surprise there) and police force are using it for training...and appearently off hour fraging <.<. I love that technology is advancing...I hate that it takes way to long to get to the civilian/general public. Maybe we'll start seeing arcades with setups like this....better than not being able to experience it at all. IMHO if arcades where to introduce this to us....that would revive arcades and I would visit on a constant basis.

PS: Not sure if this was the correct forum. I was split between the General forum and the Hardware Talk forum...please move as you see fit :)
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