Virtua Fighter 5 Interview in May EDGE


The new EDGE has a great article on Virtua Fighter 5:

There have been some comments regarding the fighters' skin looking plastic -- what's your response to that?

Initially, we drew the skin very realistically, but when we watched the game in motion, we realized that the characters were difficult to spot. So we opted to rather keep to our 'sense of realism' approach.

How well do you think you're making use of the Lindbergh board's resources?

I'd say we're pushing the board almost to its limit. It's hard to estimate the precise level, but I'd say somewhere around 95 per cent. VF5 is the perfect title to use the board's power.

There were some other interesting points as well. They say the current gameplay has been heavily tweaked relative to the version they are showing around at location tests. They also talked a bit about the differences between PC and traditional arcade/console development and the lack of familiarity with the PC platform in Japan.
Here you are:

With more and more fighting games developed for the consumer market, often skipping arcades entirely, how do you see the coin-op side of the business developing? Will VF ever become console-exclusive?

DK: VF is VF and will keep running in arcades until the company tells us otherwise. We welcome any other games that enter the arcade market and help to make the fighting scene more dynamic.

MO: We're designing VF5 for an arcade-only configuration. The services and community we're building couldn't be replicated on consoles. Those platforms favour directions which are totally different from the ones we've chosen. One of our philosophies since the very beginning has been that if a game doesn't perform in the arcades, then there's no demand for a port. That hasn't changed. We're making VF5 for today's Japanese arcade scene and I believe it suits it very well.
ban25 said:
Here you are:


"It's coming out for PS3, but it hasn't been announced yet (and for a very good reason). We don't want to kill the arcade version before it's even out."
Home versions of Virtua Fighter don't kill the arcade ones though. VF 2, 3 and 4 remained tremendously popular in Japanese arcades long after home versions were out.
ROG27 said:

"It's coming out for PS3, but it hasn't been announced yet (and for a very good reason). We don't want to kill the arcade version before it's even out."
Yea, i have a feeling with sega's news announcement for every day or so until e3 starts we will be hearing a VF5 announcement.

link to what sega announcements im reffering to
road to e3! :D
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I dont know if people still complain about the plastic look after watching the videos. but in motion it sure looks superb. The characters look lifelike. Definetely not plastic. Only in still images they dont look so good.
ban25 said:
The new EDGE has a great article on Virtua Fighter 5:

There were some other interesting points as well. They say the current gameplay has been heavily tweaked relative to the version they are showing around at location tests. They also talked a bit about the differences between PC and traditional arcade/console development and the lack of familiarity with the PC platform in Japan.

Can you post the whole interview????????????????????????
Masterofunlocking said:
Do you guys think that we'll get arcade-perfect ports for the inevitable console versions?
There's no reasons not to expect Arcade perfect conversion of the game, based on the Lindbergh specs alone, that's for sure.

Now, they'll release Virtua Tennis 3 first, so we'll judge how they handled that port. If it's perfect, then we can safely assume that Virtua Fighter 5 will be the same.