You're not seeing the problem.Without Reflex 2 you will not get anything, you will be "stuck" inside the frame latency until it ends and then you'll see the next frame. Reflex 2 warps the current frame according to your input and provides an intermediate frame with in-painting which is shown between the previous and next frame at about half of latency. So w/o Reflex 2 there is no "advantage" in seeing something unless you somehow run at more than twice the framerate. With Reflex 2 you may see an artifact at half the input lag instead of not seeing anything at all with full frame latency - that's your choice here. It is highly likely that the ability to move the camera with half the latency is a lot more preferable than not being able to move it at all as you may see something from the actual previous frame in which case the minor artifacting won't be an issue.
Let's say you're protecting a bombsite and have Reflex 2 on, you flick turn and see there's no enemies there because warping doesn't know what is or isn't there. Except that the enemy is there. Boom you're dead. Without warping your turn happens that few ms slower but you actually do see that the enemy is there. Boom, he's dead instead.