Upscaling Technology Has Become A Crutch

This is what I hate about the narrative of upscaling at launch being framed from, and still primarily is, from a hardware comparison stand point.

You shouldn't have to make a choice of what resolution display you get based on the restriction of your most demanding game(s) you play. This is what upscaling enables compared to being forced to "native."

The comparison point should not be how upscaled to 4k compares to 4k native. It should be given your fixed hardware what ultimately looks better for everything you do? Having a 4k display or a 1440p display? The comparison would be upscaled (some content) to 4k vs. 1440p native (or I guess even 1080p native). In the CRT era I ran various content from to 320x240 to 1600x1200 without worrying about the displays native resolution. We couldn't really do that in once we moved to the LCD (or per pixel display) without very noticeable blurring and image degradation until now.
I will say that going from 1440p PT DLAA in "Cyberpunk 2077" to 2160p PT DLSS is a better image quality for me than reducing my other settings.
I will test to see how my OLED handles 1440p with DLAA instead, I have not real tried non-native display resolution on my new setup yet...I might get pleasantly suprised šŸ™ƒ