Well, by the looks of it you might not need to use that build feature much when you can import whole max/maya level into unreal toolchain. They apply the same char. polybump tech. to the world and it must be a royal pain in the butt to make all those high res. models and then match them perfectly to the low res. ones so the rays when fired don't get screwed up by the incorrectly built geometry. However the scenes look beautiful
I noticed that unreal3 won't have a point light and it's because of the shadow maps needing a direction vector. Could use a cubemap for pointlight like JC going to use and not having omni light really bites for indoor scenes. No, you can't take two spotlights and put them end to end to mimick omni light
I tried that in my editor and it looks funky. I kind of like that specular baked into the walls like in one of those pics. Wonder how prt will look like. One thing for sure and that the teams making a game with these new tech. are only going to grow in size to accomodate more artists. I like to know how long it took epic to create that scene in on of those hdr pics and that 2mil tri monster. It's also interesting just how much content pipeline unreal3 toolchain handles. I thought most of it was going to be exported out of max/maya but looks like lot less work is done by those two tools. The unreal3 toolchain is really nice though. God, so much stuff to do, you almost get lost in it all. I thought that FSM, I think, diagram was interesting. I write uml for all my fsms so I'm not surprised unreal3 has a visual tool for that. All in all pretty nice engine and it's strength lies in the integration of outdoor/indoor lighting model despite of losing the omni light, I get that.