unconscious bias test


Kinda cool website I found. I just ran the first test, but take whatever suits you


I ended up with "Your data suggest a strong association of Male with Career and Female with Family compared to Female with Career and Male with Family."

Essentially I was much faster clicking on things with easy to understand relationships between them.
(actually I did end up with a nasty order as I was getting much faster at the end)
I did the black/white test, and it just annoyed and frustrated me. Due to the order in which the categories were presented, my brain got confused at the end when African and good where grouped together. Thus, I ended up with a strong automatic European preference, which is insane. The only reason that happened was because the test was poorly designed. They need to do the two sets of tests with a significant break in between.
I got tripped up with the key strokes more than anything else. When they were reversing everything. But even with that, I got the following results. Rather interesting:

Asian/European American Test: Your data suggest a slight association of European American with American and Asian American with Foreign compared to Asian American with American and European American with Foreign.

Family - Career Test: Your data suggest a moderate association of Male with Career and Female with Family compared to Female with Career and Male with Family.

African American - European American Test: Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American.

Gay People - Straight People Test: Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between Gay People and Straight People.

Darker Skin - Lighter Skin Test: Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between Light Skin and Dark Skin.
I did the black/white test, and it just annoyed and frustrated me. Due to the order in which the categories were presented, my brain got confused at the end when African and good where grouped together. Thus, I ended up with a strong automatic European preference, which is insane. The only reason that happened was because the test was poorly designed. They need to do the two sets of tests with a significant break in between.

Uh huh. If you say so I'm sure it must be true, and not a reflection of your own unconscious biases, of which you in particular have none, particularly that might be detectable by a test specifically designed to detect unconscious biases in people who don't want to admit they have them.

So, y'know, good job there in detecting the unfair and incorrect test there.

He has a point though as my concentration is seriously stressed halfway through the test, the fact that I previously had to memorize and sort using the opposite association doesnt help either. Might be tipping the scales.

I took Gender - Science. Strong preference to liberal arts - females / science - males. I agree with my bias :D
Asian/European American Test: Your data suggest little or no association between Asian American and European American with American and Foreign.

European/African American Test: Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between European American and African American.

Gay People - Straight People: Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between Gay People and Straight People.

Didnt feel like taking anymore. Frankly the tests are complete BS. Mainly because they do not show bias, but rather how quick you are. The tests start screwing up when they basically plead you to speed up, so people end up making mistakes more than anything. Oh well, dont really care, my results just prove once again that I do not care.
That was super annoying. I did the first half then they turned it around and I just hit random keys :) Too many errors to make a result well good... ugh.
I'm a strong homophobe, strong sexist and a moderate racist. :p

I'm not surprised that I strongly associate career with males and family with females. I'm more surprised about the strong bias toward straight and moderate bias toward lightskinned people.
The tests start screwing up when they basically plead you to speed up, so people end up making mistakes more than anything.

That's the point. Your mistakes reveal the true associations you make. The mistakes themselves don't mean anything, but whether the mistakes are skewed in one way or another.
Your data suggest little to no automatic preference between _ and _.

...yah, that pretty much sums up my results for everything there.
That's the point. Your mistakes reveal the true associations you make. The mistakes themselves don't mean anything, but whether the mistakes are skewed in one way or another.

So what happens if you're just really good at matching quickly? I know that's what it was for me, I made only one mistake through the entire test, and because the pattern basically repeats you just get better and therefore more "equal" the more you test. Severally flawed if you ask me. Your mistakes show nothing but that the test is stressing and that people make mistakes when they're stressed.
So what happens if you're just really good at matching quickly? I know that's what it was for me, I made only one mistake through the entire test, and because the pattern basically repeats you just get better and therefore more "equal" the more you test. Severally flawed if you ask me. Your mistakes show nothing but that the test is stressing and that people make mistakes when they're stressed.

I actually only made one mistake before they switched it myself. Once they switched it I thought hmm maybe only one iteration I can handle that, but the second one was too much for me to take. Talk about a waste of time even more than this post :)
Speed *is* the point, mistakes are irrelevant (and actually mess up the test). People who are faster at one category than when its reversed are faster precisely b/c there is an unconcious association with your brain which makes it easier to click. Its long enough that such things do become important. Kinda like how really good fps players are incredibably quick at shooting targets, but are average at other dexterity skills.

(btw the test is randomized for everyone, the order is different every time you take it)
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Speed *is* the point, mistakes are irrelevant (and actually mess up the test). People who are faster at one category than when its reversed are faster precisely b/c there is an unconcious association with your brain which makes it easier to click. Its long enough that such things do become important. Kinda like how really good fps players are incredibably quick at shooting targets, but are average at other dexterity skills.

(btw the test is randomized for everyone, the order is different every time you take it)

Hmm, no wonder I'm so 1337 at FPS games.
Speed *is* the point, mistakes are irrelevant (and actually mess up the test). People who are faster at one category than when its reversed are faster precisely b/c there is an unconcious association with your brain which makes it easier to click. Its long enough that such things do become important. Kinda like how really good fps players are incredibably quick at shooting targets, but are average at other dexterity skills.)

The problem is the first run thru you start out and get faster when they reversed it I was slower than before I ever tried anything. Then they swapped it again. Whichever way you do first will be the fastest IMO b/c you learn that right=male, left=female or whatever so you flash to it then with the 4 and the switch I had to actually read and think again. You would also have to overcome the previous learning...
Anyone notice on the family and career/male and female on that they didnt get the election years right?

Anyway, got the same as I've gotten on all tests up to this point: Your data suggest little or no association between Male and Female with Career and Family.
I started some judaism test, and found it pointless and stupid since it compared judaism versus other religions, and I find them all equally bogus, bunk and shite, and then I tried some skin color test and didn't really find any point to it so I closed the window before finishing that one too.

What a totally pointless and useless site. I want the 5 minutes I spent there back, thank you.
I did the politics test and apparently I prefer bush over thomas jefferson(!), dislike bush over reagan and neutral to bush over recent presidents.

Yes, I would pretty much call it bunk.