If a screen space ray is derived from a bright spot in the render as HTupolev suggests, then UC4 isn't doing that AFAICS in that clip. There is no bright spot behind that crepuscular ray.
View attachment 1232
There are brighter points around the ray, so it's clearly not just stretching the brightest area to form the ray. However, it's also not particularly consistent. Why the ray there but not anywhere else?
However, there's no volumetric lighting solution through. At 15:11 there are no volumetric shadows in all that dust...
View attachment 1233
Also I'm not a fan of the 'GI'. The bounce lighting is just a simple uplight term, or at least has such results. So Drake's arms glow orange under the bridge while attaching the chain, and we get these odd radioactive rocks...
View attachment 1234