just finished the game. my thoughts are still fresh, so Ill write them down
the good parts:
the bad parts:
some other thoughts:
in closing...
U3 is a good game, it really has many nice features (not only graphical, gameplay aswell) but I cant help but feel that there wasnt enough time to tie everything up nicely, polish everything and trim the fat. its just all over the place at times, there are tons of attention to detail in some scenes (cruiser), utilizing the game mechanics fully and with others I wonder why they even are there or are drawn out way too long (desert scene). the pacing stays way to slow for a long time, and even when it picks up it usually slowing down immediately or annoys you by taking away gameplay options (eg. no running).
also, I cant help but notice that some apparent problems arent in the MP portion, which will get nurtured, maintained and significantly changed - unlike the SP which is usually cast in stone. I would really like to see something thats common in movies - a "Directors Cut" of U3, maybe in form of DLC. fix up some of the loose ends, tune the combat, add a few scenes that dint make it (Im sure there are a few, the latter half jumps around rather wildly. maybe adds Sullys solo escapades) and remove some useless ones (might contain spiders). it has alot of good components that could make it a great game with some more polish... like U1 and especially U2 were.
the good parts:
- it looks outstanding, dynamic elements like fire/water/sand look great, volumetric lightcones... best looking PS3 game for sure.
- has some nicely done setpieces
the bad parts:
- takes way too long to pick up pace and even then has many slowdowns.
- often restricts your options
- Absolutely NO cheats? wow, good way to make any kind of ingame-medals (screw trophies) and further playthroughs uninteresting for me.
- combat is a good step down from U2. you got all this nice options but you cant use them because they dont work well with the enemy behavior. Id really like being able to use the environment more, but since enemies rarely lose track and are charging you typically just get surrounded if you dont focus on keeping your sides clear.
- story seems to go from scene to scene, kinda like tv series throw their curveballs. alot things dont make sense in the big picture, they are just there for cheap surprise effects
some other thoughts:
- the brawling system - nice thing in itself if you are fighting unarmed guys, especially that Drake can interact alot with the environment. it doesnt tie in with the guncombat at all unfortunately, it "grounds" you way to much in typically open spots - you cant move around or dodge all the time which would be necessary to throw a few quick punches and diving into cover or atleast out of gunfire. the way it is now you will just get picked up by other guys.
- what does the "no hints" option do? you still get the tutorial messages and your buddies (or Drake) regularly mumbles hints about riddles
- the game also tries hard to retract the use of supernatural elements at the end with some sore explanation. this only leads to the question what Drake really was shooting during his drug runs, or did he just run around like charlie without getting spotted by guards, where was Sully and what did he do?
and if there was nothing supernatural/odd things, whats the deal with the spiders - and why did anyone think the scene where you scare them off by shooting every 4 seconds is anything but boring.
More loose ends to me
- did we really learn anything new about Drake at all? we learned how he met Sully. Good, fine scene and writing... but it dint add anything deep to the characters or their motivations IMHO. no idea why drake is so hellbent on finding the lost city/treasure... is it just greed? I still dont know, but since he know apparently changed his priorities Uncharted 4 will have a hard time picking up there.
Cloe/Elena/Cutter where a nice set of support characters but there was no development or big interaction from their side.
- how did the secret circle get the hallucinogen for their darts? it doesnt seem they need the poison from the lost city, the darts do the same thing.
- Why did Talbot take a shot to the chest from Cutter and wasnt harmed? I cant rewatch cutscenes so I dont know if he missed and just thought he hit because of the drug, would be a weak explanation anyway.
- some scenes seems to be directly picked from U2, thinking about limbing around in the desert (only painfully longer) and the escape over the collapsing floor
in closing...
U3 is a good game, it really has many nice features (not only graphical, gameplay aswell) but I cant help but feel that there wasnt enough time to tie everything up nicely, polish everything and trim the fat. its just all over the place at times, there are tons of attention to detail in some scenes (cruiser), utilizing the game mechanics fully and with others I wonder why they even are there or are drawn out way too long (desert scene). the pacing stays way to slow for a long time, and even when it picks up it usually slowing down immediately or annoys you by taking away gameplay options (eg. no running).
also, I cant help but notice that some apparent problems arent in the MP portion, which will get nurtured, maintained and significantly changed - unlike the SP which is usually cast in stone. I would really like to see something thats common in movies - a "Directors Cut" of U3, maybe in form of DLC. fix up some of the loose ends, tune the combat, add a few scenes that dint make it (Im sure there are a few, the latter half jumps around rather wildly. maybe adds Sullys solo escapades) and remove some useless ones (might contain spiders). it has alot of good components that could make it a great game with some more polish... like U1 and especially U2 were.