Uncharted 3

Really? People are starting to believe in bullshots again?

The devs said the exact same thing regarding UC2, but it was OBVIOUS from the start that they had an image quality that is not possible on current gen consoles! And it turned out to be bullshots. I dont wanna get into that discussion again, but IQ will not be as awesome as some of those pictures portay it to be.

They could be down sampled from uber res but aside from that the lighting, textures, shadow map and shaders remain the same regardlessly which is good enough for me.
You do realize that super sampling helps with per-pixel shaders and texture filtering...
They could be down sampled from uber res but aside from that the lighting, textures, shadow map and shaders remain the same regardlessly which is good enough for me.

I recommend you to start up a pc game, set it to render at highest resolution possible max everything, then downscale it in photoshop to 720p.

Then, render the same exact picture in 720p with everything set to max.

The differences will be quite big. Long story short: nearly everything looks better than it really is.
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Thanks for posting that trailer with assorted bits. One thing I have always noticed is how bad vehicles physics are in console games. *sigh* they take away so much from the realism of the game.
Uncharted 2 comparison, top is BS and bottom is ingame. I don't see much difference at all except for the AA.
Even if the only difference was the aliasing it makes a huge impact on the scene. It's also missing the nice background dof/haze.

Also the bullshot has SSAO disabled. Probably because it appears quite dark and grimy in still screens, but it does make the blue pipe seem out of place.
Shots were made in 2560x1440 and downsampled, so they are bullshots, just Arne on neogaf dont get used to call it that way.
Yeah, I'd like to post a very very large facepalm pic here, but then again it's B3D... or is it?

Id say its justified :LOL:

That trailer is definately 60fps. Doesnt look as good as U2 in some scenes either imo. MLAA looks pretty bad in spots aswel. Its still early ofcourse i expect a heavy layer of polish still.

Are we sure its going to be 30fps in MP atleast? Maybe they were able to get the framerate in the 40-60 range through the work they did for 3D?
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Id say its justified :LOL:

That trailer is definately 60fps. Doesnt look as good as U2 in some scenes either imo. MLAA looks pretty bad in spots aswel. Its still early ofcourse i expect a heavy layer of polish still.

Are we sure its going to be 30fps in MP atleast? Maybe they were able to get the framerate in the 40-60 range through the work they did for 3D?
Arne confirmed they are locked at 30fps as usual.
That clip is definately running at 60. Who is Arne? Has he said why/how this clip is running at 60?

Is 60 FPS what you perceive the clip to be or is their actual evidence that he's wrong? I think Arne is their (ND) community manager or something like that.
Well the video is encoded at 60fps, which is a fact. Its also very easy to notice the difference between 30fps and 60fps, the video definately 100% shows gameplay at 60fps regardless of what anyone says.

Now thats not to say the final game will ship at 60, im talking specifically about that video.
Meh..2D post process sunshafts are overrated. We need true volumetric lighting !
What I don't like is that most of the time when a game has sunshafts then it tries to have them everywhere regardless of the time of day, it looks kinda stupid to see lightbeams cutting through small objects in an outdoor scene during midday.
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Meh..2D post process sunshafts are overrated. We need true volumetric lighting !
That's mostly overkill; an expensive effect with little practical value, and the aesthetic can be achieved with far cheaper 2D methods. This is the right compromise IMO. Only where you have a full volumetric lighting engine, like LBP, does invluding volumetric light-rays make sense.

What I don't like is that most of the time when a game has sunshafts then it tries to have them everywhere regardless of the time of day, it looks kinda stupid to see lightbeams cutting through small objects in an outdoor scene during midday.
Depends entirely on atmospherics. Though associated with natural water droplets of mist at early morning or late evening, smoke will produce the same light rays. And is it's only for prettiness sakes, adding it artistically seems fine. A lot of movie lighting (and game lighting following the same principles) is completely unrealistic with fake fill lights, coloured lights, reflectors to dimish shadowing, etc. And films look better because of it!