UBIsoft in potential financial trouble

Point being, as a business wanting to appeal to the widest market, I don't think creating a universe that finds resistance and then hoping people will just 'get over it' is a great long-term position.

Yep which is why it’s very unlikely to be Ubisoft’s strategy. They must believe that whatever they’re selling will appeal to their target market. Could be their market research is just terrible or they’re suffering from an internal echo chamber. Despite years of people whining about their cut and paste open world gameplay they seem reluctant to change.
It's all well and good getting into the weeds about the political leanings of any given game but I'm not convinced it matters enormously.

There are people who will purchase because it aligns with their leanings, and there are people who will avoid them for the same reason. Both convinced that they're good soldiers in a tedious "culture war" while really just falling for the present day narcissistic marketing ploy whereby you aren't just purchasing a thing that you like, no, you're "saving the planet."


Really though, when was the last time you encountered a really solid, interesting, new mechanic in a Ubisoft game? Their open world formula became a punchline 10 years ago, and very little has been done to remedy the situation. Tweaks here and there, but that's all.

Their games are painfully design by committee, and when Ubisoft realised that the broader public cottoned on to the fact they'd been munching turd stew and they're tired of it, all Ubisoft has done is experiment with different numbers of turds per stew.

By trying to cater to the lowest common denominator on every front in order to create games for everyone, they've ultimately ended up making them for no-one.