UBIsoft in potential financial trouble

The thing I don't get is, if they think that's what the public wants, it should reflect in better sales and commerce. If trying an ideology across your product range results in worse sales, it's not what the public wants, at which point you should likely abandon it. Unless the intention is to try to change society and being willing to sacrifice the company to do so?
Judging by this common trend happening not just in games, but other products that fail and trigger outrage, the simultaneous projection of DEI through different media, and the push through social sciences with creative theories presented as "science" in politics, I m starting to believe that there are unseen agendas at play.

I ve seen subjects even in Wikipedia altered to satisfy these ideologies. Even historical events and cultures.

For example eunuchs in certain cultures that had no concept of social gender, who served specific roles (such us guarding the harem hence the castration, or to remove sexual desire) are now presented as a third gender. WTF?
The thing I don't get is, if they think that's what the public wants, it should reflect in better sales and commerce. If trying an ideology across your product range results in worse sales, it's not what the public wants, at which point you should likely abandon it. Unless the intention is to try to change society and being willing to sacrifice the company to do so?
Unfortunately, those making these decisions aren't the ones who get fired.
Guillemot nudge nudging wing winking 'oh, maybe these basement dwelling anti DEI dweebs are onto something' is just a laughable and tasteless misdirection. It's a management issue and UBIsoft is riddled with them. Not sure who's CEO of Ubisoft though? Maybe he can find out?

Disney and Ubisoft's Star Wars issue is same. Big budget productions which have delivered at best, mediocre entertainment*. The script, plots and editing in most of Disney's efforts are naff. I've not played Outlaws, but sounds like the whole thing is just ok and that doesn't cut the mustard.

* except Andor. And although you can argue it features a white male lead, he's really boring and space-french so it doesn't count.
Judging by this common trend happening not just in games, but other products that fail and trigger outrage, the simultaneous projection of DEI through different media, and the push through social sciences with creative theories presented as "science" in politics, I m starting to believe that there are unseen agendas at play.

I ve seen subjects even in Wikipedia altered to satisfy these ideologies. Even historical events and cultures.

For example eunuchs in certain cultures that had no concept of social gender, who served specific roles (such us guarding the harem hence the castration, or to remove sexual desire) are now presented as a third gender. WTF?
This is not a politics thread. The presentation of a set of values influencing a company direction, and wider market motions, is fine, but the origins and purposes of that set of values is OT.
The thing I don't get is, if they think that's what the public wants, it should reflect in better sales and commerce. If trying an ideology across your product range results in worse sales, it's not what the public wants, at which point you should likely abandon it. Unless the intention is to try to change society and being willing to sacrifice the company to do so?
What the public wants is obviously bourne out in sales, but the blanket idea that there is some trend for DEI, or dare I use the undefinable term "woke" games failing wholesale is not being proven by those sales. Look at the Steam curator dedicated to exposing games that contain DEI/woke content. They don't recommend Starfield, Hogwart's Legacy, any of the Call of Duty games, or Balders Gate 3 - Some of the best selling games. Even Space Marine 2 is filled with "Overtly Pro-DEI content" according to them, but it's one of the fastest selling games so far this year.

Here's an article about the best selling games of 2024 so far from August.
Here's the spreadsheet of games from that Steam curator, because searching is easier.
Basically every game on the best selling list is either reviewed (mostly sports games or non-steam games like Minecraft) or are listed as "not recommended", with the exceptions of GTAV and Helldivers 2 which still have the "informational" label for having some "pro-LGBTQ+ content" and "pro-DEI content". If this is the ideology that is supposedly killing Ubisoft titles, it isn't killing the rest of the industry.

There isn't a clear trend towards games on the not recommended list failing. There are certainly failures there, but there are also successes and almost all of the successes are either not recommended or contain some content the curator objects to. I don't think we can distill Ubisoft's problems to something as simple as the public rejecting some ideology, because sales of games featuring the same type of ideology that is purported to be ruining Ubisoft games are some of the best selling games so far this year. It's a bit more that they make a bunch of same-y games that I think many people aren't interested in buying every year with budgets that have ballooned to near unsustainable levels. Skull and Bones, for example, was likely too expensive with it's protracted development, and should have probably been rescoped into a smaller experience or cancelled earlier. PoP The Lost Crown though... Not sure on that one. It reviewed well, and on Steam most of it's negative reviews are about the Uplay Connect requirement, and a few about difficulty. But I don't think that game sold as well as Ubi wanted, either. Ubisoft's situation is complicated, because they have recently made some good titles that just haven't performed, and I think their misses (like Skull and Bones) might be affecting their good titles in reputation, and thus sales, more than any controversy regarding ideology.
I don't think we can distill Ubisoft's problems to something as simple as the public rejecting some ideology, because sales of games featuring the same type of ideology that is purported to be ruining Ubisoft games are some of the best selling games so far this year.
The argument is probably/possibly one of degrees. It may not be the message or existence of any particular ideology that makes a game unappealing, but if the game takes it to an extreme, or compromises the game (or other artistic endeavour) for non-gaming values.

It's a bit more that they make a bunch of same-y games that I think many people aren't interested in buying every year with budgets that have ballooned to near unsustainable levels.
Whatever it is, Ubi need to work it out and address it, if its not too late.

But it's also important for the wider industry to know what makes for a flunk. Although in some cases it's obvious like Skull and Bones. Possibly someone needs to look at what has sold and what hasn't and compare Ubi's output to other successful and unsuccessful titles, see if there's any obvious pattern or delta.
While I like Ubisoft and have some games on their Ubisoft store -HoMM games mostly-, they've done many things wrong. Facts:

- They have lost practically 100% of their market value in the last three years. The shares have gone from being worth $108 to $9.

- They get the Star Wars license. They are going to make a Han Solo game, but they back out and put a girl as the main character and make the game Woke as hell, it seems like the dialogues were written by the human resources department.

- The game is a mess, nobody gives a shit about the release and it takes a huge hit in sales. Not to mention that the game had a thousand editions and if you wanted all the content you had to pay 110€ (digital version) or so.

- After years and years of the community asking for it, they decide to release an Assassins Creed in Japan (and they are late with Ghost of Tsushima).

- They put in a black samurai and a girl. People go crazy and Japan goes crazy, even historians on the subject of Yasuke, the black samurai.

- We were a month and a half away from the launch and practically no gameplay. They have delayed the game to February.

- A lot of the content they had shown was the black man destroying Japanese villages, and killing the Japanese. :rolleyes:

- They released a Funko figure of the black samurai on a Tori arch destroyed in half. That is a symbol of the destruction of Nagasaki by the atomic bomb. To give you an idea, it is as if they released a collector's edition of Spiderman with Spiderman on the destroyed Twin Towers. :rolleyes:

- Guillemot, the CEO, giving statements assuring that their objective is having fun and not to introduce a woke agenda.

Let's see how far they can sink.
Ubisoft issues:

- Massive downgrades from teaser to release
- Games dumbed down to a point n click experience
- AI without the I
- More editions than actual games sold
- Destroying their PC sales by being hell bent on enforcing their own store usage

They make vapid games. People get bored of them and when the next one feels like a reskin of the last one, people just move on.
They make vapid games. People get bored of them and when the next one feels like a reskin of the last one, people just move on.

They’re the comfort food of the industry. A mindless romp that’s not going to change your life. People aren’t willing to pay $70 for that. I would bet that Ubisoft games are “eventually” profitable after years of sales and discounts. Not launching on Steam is also a ridiculous own goal.
While I like Ubisoft and have some games on their Ubisoft store -HoMM games mostly-, they've done many things wrong. Facts:

- They have lost practically 100% of their market value in the last three years. The shares have gone from being worth $108 to $9.

- They get the Star Wars license. They are going to make a Han Solo game, but they back out and put a girl as the main character and make the game Woke as hell, it seems like the dialogues were written by the human resources department.

- The game is a mess, nobody gives a shit about the release and it takes a huge hit in sales. Not to mention that the game had a thousand editions and if you wanted all the content you had to pay 110€ (digital version) or so.

- After years and years of the community asking for it, they decide to release an Assassins Creed in Japan (and they are late with Ghost of Tsushima).

- They put in a black samurai and a girl. People go crazy and Japan goes crazy, even historians on the subject of Yasuke, the black samurai.

- We were a month and a half away from the launch and practically no gameplay. They have delayed the game to February.

- A lot of the content they had shown was the black man destroying Japanese villages, and killing the Japanese. :rolleyes:

- They released a Funko figure of the black samurai on a Tori arch destroyed in half. That is a symbol of the destruction of Nagasaki by the atomic bomb. To give you an idea, it is as if they released a collector's edition of Spiderman with Spiderman on the destroyed Twin Towers. :rolleyes:

- Guillemot, the CEO, giving statements assuring that their objective is having fun and not to introduce a woke agenda.

Let's see how far they can sink.
Very good summary.