Actually, they explain right in the article why they only tested at that resolution:
"We normally test at two resolutions: 1024x768x32 with 4X FSAA (Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing) enabled, and 1600x1200x32 with no FSAA. But Trident informed us that the driver build they sent us for this preview didn't yet have AA implemented. We discovered this fact only when we went hunting for a 3D config panel for either Direct3D or OpenGL, since neither were anywhere to be found. "
"We normally test at two resolutions: 1024x768x32 with 4X FSAA (Full-Scene Anti-Aliasing) enabled, and 1600x1200x32 with no FSAA. But Trident informed us that the driver build they sent us for this preview didn't yet have AA implemented. We discovered this fact only when we went hunting for a 3D config panel for either Direct3D or OpenGL, since neither were anywhere to be found. "