Trading Spouses: Astologist vs. Strict Christian


Who else watched that show? So funny! The producers must pick families they think will fight the most.

For those who didn't see it or don't know what the show is about. Two families switch mothers for a week. One family is very "new age" and believes in astrology and hypnotism and such. The other family (at least the mother) is very strict Christian and probably Southern Baptist. Basically hillarity insues when the Christian mother starts seeing the "darkness" all around her and begins to have breakdowns (and it honestly isn't that bad what she has to deal with). And then the hypnotherapist mother gets "assualted" by the Christian mother's friends for not believing in Christ. Supposedly next week, it gets even better when they finish (since they have the show in two parts).

I must say though, they give religious people a bad name on that show. Most Christians are not bad like the ones on the show.
Sounds interesting, I think I may grab it or at least try to catch the next one for the ending.

I've never meet a 'fanatic" chrstian, though the christian's I know dont have a clue about their own religon it seems.
Skrying said:
I've never meet a 'fanatic" chrstian, though the christian's I know dont have a clue about their own religon it seems.
That's alright tho, because if there's something in christianity the believer doesn't like, he can just decide to not believe in it. It's the ultimate pick-and-choose religion...
Wow, what is an astologist? Is it like an asstologist(look at ass bumbs to predict future?)? I am a horrble speller. :oops:
Wife swap, its been on british tv for years. I guess they're having fun with the bible belt over there, makes good TV.
Oh gods, on FOX after "That 70's Show" last night? NO!!!

Was the christian one the really fat lady with the tooth missing who seemed to have a penchant for really bad nylon outfits? I saw her in the previews throwing a fit and actually rewound the video tape to tape over the beginning of it so my wife wouldn't be subjected/tempted to watch it. :???: (My wife worked late last night and we're both big "That 70's Show" fans. The show might have jumped the shark a bit last season, but it still cracks us both up hard! :LOL: )

That lady was flat-out scary and I kept thinking about just how wrong the whole show was and WHY would anyone do that?!?!
Haha! That's her. She goes crazy! At one point she starts yelling how it stinks and start puking, and all the kids look bewildered because they don't smell anything.
They should find an ultra-conservative Christian family and a family with 2 gay men and some kids, and swap a gay partner for the Christian wife.
Yeah, I've seen that before. It is ab-so-lutely amazing how psychologically imbalanced some people are. I feel bad for her. It's like watching Darwinism in progress and she's in her decline.......
Powderkeg said:
They should find an ultra-conservative Christian family and a family with 2 gay men and some kids, and swap a gay partner for the Christian wife.
From the christian mom's reactions that's pretty much what they did! :oops:

Damn it, now I wanna watch it in a morbid "trainwreck" kind of way. :(
They did have her come in contact with a Gay Psychic when she was on the radio with the other husband. Thats when she cracked :LOL:

Guden Oden said:
That's alright tho, because if there's something in christianity the believer doesn't like, he can just decide to not believe in it. It's the ultimate pick-and-choose religion...
Heh, try telling that to a Baptist, Lutheran, or any conservative non-demoninational (there may be others, too, I've only personally been exposed to these three). Many Christians do believe that you must believe exactly what the Bible says, nothing left out. But then most don't seem to notice that there are other denominations that say the same thing, and yet they don't agree...
Chalnoth said:
Heh, try telling that to a Baptist, Lutheran, or any conservative non-demoninational
;) Heh, yea. Except I wonder how these guys get all the contradictions in the bible to fit together, including the two different creation myths, etc... Oh well, it's their headache. I'm sure they've cooked up some sufficiently bogus story to get around the issue.

Still, I have to give this crazy woman some credit, she's sending in an autographed picture. That rules. Shows that while she may be a religious nut, at least she's got a sense of humor. :) Thumbs up for her.
Holy fucking shit. I can't believe this woman is for real. As Jack Nicholson said, "go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here!"
Guden Oden said:
;) Heh, yea. Except I wonder how these guys get all the contradictions in the bible to fit together, including the two different creation myths, etc...
I'm actually not familiar with the existence of two separate creation myths in the Bible. Care to enlighten me?