Top jobs you dont want: Saddam Hussein defense lawyer

If no one would do this job, then there would be no trial. Without legal representation for the defense, there can't be a fair trial or the semblence of justice. That's why most modern countries will appoint a defense lawyer if the defendant doesn't have one.

In fact it may be a plan by Saddam supporters to scare off any defense lawyers. If no one will accept the job, Saddam can just claim he can't get a fair trial as he has no legal representation, and then there will be no legal way to prosecute him if the state can't give him a lawyer.
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nutball said:
It would be easy enough to move the trial to a safe place, eg. The Hague.

They probably don't want to because they want the new government to be seen to be cleaning up it's own mess without more western interference. If it went to the Hague with non-Iraqi officials and judges, it would just be seen in Iraq as a western kangaroo court. Plus Iraq would go for the death penalty, which the Hague won't.
Well I was only suggesting The Hague as a location, not as providing the legal framework. What I meant was transplant the whole trial, judges and all, from Iraq to somewhere else (the precedent being the trial of the Libyans accused of the Lockerbie bombing, which was held at The Hague but presided over by Scottish judiciary IIRC).

Granted this wouldn't send a very palatable political message about the state of Iraq, that the Government don't feel their own country is safe enough to host the trial. But if it's a toss-up between that and letting Saddam go free it may be the lesser of two evils.
Top jobs you don't want?

I think working for the circus outweighs this as far as shitty jobs are concerned.......Heavily.