Too many good games out now!


hardware monkey
Not a bad complaint to have though ;)

I just finished up the God of War collection on Blu-ray in preparation for GoW III next month, but I've still got a solid month to play some other titles until then. I missed several of the AAA titles last year, and a few recent titles have caught my attention.

Of the following games, which would you play, and why? Which is most worth $60? I've provided a brief blurb on each game as they relate to me. All games are on PS3, no 360 for me and my PC gaming is kept to a few specific titles for LAN parties.

Batman AA - roommate already bought this one, must play
Bayonetta - I can probably exchange another game for this one with a co-worker so I likely wouldn't buy
Dante's Inferno - solid GoW clone, liked the demo
Darksiders - like the concept
Heavy Rain - amazing graphics, love the concept, must play
Infamous - like the concept
Killzone 2 - amazing graphics
MGS 4 - not a big fan of the franchise but another one of those AAA titles you "gotta play", also on sale for $30 now
Mirror's Edge - yet another AAA title I missed, also on sale for only $20 now
Resident Evil 5 - co-op is good because then my g/f can play too!
Resistance 1 & 2 - sort of meh, but probably worth playing especially at discounted prices
Uncharted 2 - still haven't played, absolutely loved the first game
Well I've got a 360 so of those games, the only ones that I've finished (or even played beyond the demos) are Mirror's Edge and Batman, and Mirror's Edge is easily my favorite game of the generation so it's a steal at $20. Play the demo first just to see if it's your type of game though.

Bayonetta ps3 was a bad port but it's still supposed to be plenty playable I've heard. I think I might get that next actually.
You seem to be missing LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet and Clank, Valkyria Chronicles and Demon's Souls in your list. :devilish:
Infamous, Killzone 2 , uncharted 2 are must must play !
Resistance 1 is one of the best shooters(in fact its in my ps3 right now :) !) but you might find the graphics old now.

If you still have budget left, go for Bayonetta and Heavy Rain. Absolutely fab new IPs ! That would be my choice if I was in the situation.
Resistance 1 is fun, worth playing for cheap. I play KZ2 online constantly; it's really the only game I play right now. I would play Dead Space before RE5.
I was interested in LBP before it came out but lost interest after release. I think I want something a little more goal-oriented.

Ratchet and Clank is alright, I played the demo of the first one and liked it so maybe I'll add the two R&C games to my list.

Valkyria Chronicles - meh, not so interested in new RPGs except FF XIII. All the RPGs I'm playing now are classics like Chrono Trigger and Mario RPG. Was thinking about playing FF VII and VIII via PSN download as well.

Demon's Souls has caught my eye at the store a couple times. I thought it was online-only though, in which case I won't be playing. All my multiplayer is of the local variety. No cheaters that way and it adds another level of interactivity.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, keep em coming.
If you're only planning to play single player, rent Killzone 2. Don't buy it, as the campaign is fairly short. It's still worth playing, but the online MP is what gives it value.
Valkyria Chronicles - meh, not so interested in new RPGs except FF XIII. All the RPGs I'm playing now are classics like Chrono Trigger and Mario RPG. Was thinking about playing FF VII and VIII via PSN download as well.

A pity ! If you tried the VC demo, don't use it to judge the game.

Demon's Souls has caught my eye at the store a couple times. I thought it was online-only though, in which case I won't be playing. All my multiplayer is of the local variety. No cheaters that way and it adds another level of interactivity.

DS can be played off-line. In fact, if you want to dabble with the world tendencies, you should play off-line except during the special world tendency events Atlus organizes.

As for multiplayer, it is unlike any other. Hard to explain. You don't really compete against others. The players help each other out quietly. There is a PvP element but you are safe in the first level. So you can try out the MP first. If you don't like it, you can turn it off.

Demon's Souls is atmospheric and old school. If you like classical RPG, you may like this too. The combat and the entire premise is very unique. [size=-2]Be careful of the NPCs ![/size]
:LOL: My demo mantra is: Don't extrapolate your demo experiences. Like movie trailers, what you see is probably what you get at best. ^_^
The game is old school in the sense that you may have to grind for the rewards of beating tough enemies. There are shortcuts but I'll let you figure it out.

You'll need patience and prudence when playing this game.
Valkyria Chronicles is my favorite JRPG this gen. I think people are missing out if they don't at least rent the game. I bought the game with low expectation and after completing it, WOW.

Btw, Patsu have you played WKC? The game didn't get good reviews but a lot of people who have it seem to enjoy the online portion. They say the game resembles a mix of FFXI system and Monster Hunter. I haven't tried it out cause I'm broke. Waiting for my tax return.
There are a few people playing White Knight Chronicles on my friends list. I asked one of them. He likes the game, in particular the online portion.

The Georama stuff does sound interesting. Unfortunately, I am too tied up with MAG right now. I may check it out later.

EDIT: It will face a tough fight against titles like 3D Dot Heroes, Yakuza 3 and Heavy Rain (for my time !).
:LOL: My demo mantra is: Don't extrapolate your demo experiences. Like movie trailers, what you see is probably what you get at best. ^_^

That doesn't always work. Bioshock & Batman demos were great, but the full versions of the games were even better by a long shot.

Tommy McClain
Yes, that's why I keep harping about lousy demoes in the gaming industry. What I saw in many game demoes are usually tutorials. We can't really extrapolate any good or bad experiences about the full game from them. There are too many variables.

The demo mantra usually protects me from bad products, but for games, demoes are not a reliable indicator of the final/overall game experience.

Usually I rely on the forum people to recommend games to me. I bought Batman:AA and Bioshock based on these people's recommendations. In the case of Batman:AA, I didn't read any reviews at all. Just your words.