Too Human

I haven't played with it online yet, but I've read on Neogaf about some "rude" players on co-op so I would assume they do not have to be from your friends list.

I will try co-op after completion of the campaign mode. Also, most players doing co-op have their characters leveled up 17 or so.

I'll do a run through of the campaign first before co-op. That way I"m familiar with the various aspects of the game. Thanks for that info.
Something cool happened last night...

A buddy of mine wanted to play some coop. I was down for trying it out since I've not done so yet, and really wanted to see what the game was like in that mode. Again, to be clear--I do like the game--but I just am not in love like I had hoped I would be due to its many flaws.

Anyway, as soon as we began chatting on Live something came up on his end and he had to take off. Since I was already in the game, I decided to start up a new game as a Commando.

I fired it up and gave it a good 3 hours of play--and really enjoyed the gameplay of the Commando as oppossed to the Beserker. For me, it just felt much more natural to hold down the LT & RT to fire, moving around with the LS and aim with the RS. Infact, it immediately hit me during the first level in the Hall of Heros. The Beserker class fighting mechanic, for me, just didn't click with the RS analog nature with precision. I undertand that it's really great for some of you, so I dont mean to speak for everyone here--just myself.

Also, I found this in the Ice Fortress! :)

Well I ended up picking up the game after much umming and ahhing, mostly due to reading user comments on the "good" thread on GAF.

Firstly, I'll say I agree with a lot of warcrow's comments. They game has a number of really obvious flaws that make me laugh when I see just how dated the game feels. Some examples:

  • Getting poisoned means you walk around going "ooh" "ooh" every second until the status effect wears off while you glow green. There's no way to cure it... it's like something from a PS1 game.
  • There are giant clusters of enemies that explode on one hit. I rolled a Berserker (melee-oriented) and that means lots of deaths, or resorting to my very low damage pistol skills, which is no fun. Imagine Diablo where some enemies just can't be beaten by a barbarian unless you use throwing knives. Ugh.
  • The boss battles are awful! Level 2's was a disturbing low, given you have to shoot a bunch of exploding boxes (again, with my melee roll) all the while trying to dodge fire from the boss... and he ends up losing 1/20th or so of his health bar each explosion. Then you go down an elevator and do it all over again. Cripes.
  • Bugs! After five or so floors of the above, you end up on the ground floor fighting him... I attacked him with some combo-moves, then backed off as I neared death. Then I see a pair of swords following the boss hitting him as I run around fishing for health.. I wonder if this is normal, or a special move or something, but then I see "achievement unlocked" as they were apparently my swords following him around the room without me
But having said that... I'm having a big pile of fun. I love the small set-piece battles, where you wander from stage to stage fighting big groups of enemies. The graphics don't look too hot overall, but when you see fifty to a hundred baddies in a room you see why they needed to tone down some of the character and environment models. This isn't a three-or-four person battle-scene like most FPS's, so it's hard to judge the visuals against other games that it's being placed next to.

The skills you earn as you level give you quite a bit more strategy than you first expect. Basically, you earn four new types of moves (if you could the upgraded ruiner) which means once you start hitting the top of your tree, you have a bunch of new methods for approaching battles. As the game gets tougher, you really need to think about how you approach these.

The loot aspect works very well. I don't agree with the complaints that there is "too much" loot making most things worthless in the short term. The colour system (blues, oranges, etc) don't relate to WoW/Diablo in that the colour is purely based on the number of effects or slots an item has. I have lots of purples that are less beneficial to me than blues. I personally hate the WoW aspect of finding next to no "great" drops in hours of playing. I see why it works in an MMO-model, where the scarcity is the value of each item, but I don't want that in my single-player experience, thank you very much.

I'm looking forward to re-rolling another class... possibly the shooting-based class, given it should play quite differently. One of the big kicks for why I think this game is so much fun is I don't see it as a "complete then trade it" type of game. It's designed for replayability from the ground up.. and not just for achievements or multiplayer or randomness, but due to the type of game it is. It does succeed in its "Diablo-like" intentions in that regard to me.

Overall, I put this up there as an incredibly flawed game that is a huge load of fun. If you can look past the problems mentioned above (and there are more I didn't mention) then I'd suggest at least having a rental. I've already put more hours into this than I did GTA4, simply because I enjoy the time I spend with this game (before bosses, anyway!). I feel like I'm truly a strong warrior amongst humans, and I also see myself getting both better (my skill) and stronger (levelling, skills and loot).

If you can't look past these flaws, then steer clear.

I'm interested in other class feedback, too - how are you rolling, and how are you enjoying each class? What works and what doesn't?
Glad you're enjoying it.

I'm frankly suprised at how fast time goes by when I play.

Some of the things I thought would be issues from the demo (camera, framerate and animation) are just not as noticeable to me, especially once you start leveling past 15.

I'm liking the Bezerker and will probably jump right back in with either a Commando or Champion once I complete the campaign.. After those 2, I'd probably go with Defender next and if I'm not sick of it by then the Bioengineer.

I wonder if the game would've been much more polished if not for the development reset due to moving from Unreal Engine 3.
Getting poisoned means you walk around going "ooh" "ooh" every second until the status effect wears off while you glow green. There's no way to cure it... it's like something from a PS1 game.

That is what the bioengineer class is for. We can heal and dispell effects.

There are giant clusters of enemies that explode on one hit. I rolled a Berserker (melee-oriented) and that means lots of deaths, or resorting to my very low damage pistol skills, which is no fun. Imagine Diablo where some enemies just can't be beaten by a barbarian unless you use throwing knives. Ugh.

Create a chain by targeting one adn destroying it quickly with your pistols. I know they are weak but you shoudl be able to take out one while its far away which will in turn destroy the others and they will go off. If you time it right you can take out 50 guys because of 4 of those exploders.

The boss battles are awful! Level 2's was a disturbing low, given you have to shoot a bunch of exploding boxes (again, with my melee roll) all the while trying to dodge fire from the boss... and he ends up losing 1/20th or so of his health bar each explosion. Then you go down an elevator and do it all over again. Cripes.

All of them suck.

Bugs! After five or so floors of the above, you end up on the ground floor fighting him... I attacked him with some combo-moves, then backed off as I neared death. Then I see a pair of swords following the boss hitting him as I run around fishing for health.. I wonder if this is normal, or a special move or something, but then I see "achievement unlocked" as they were apparently my swords following him around the room without me
You can throw your swords , however sometimes thy glitch and just keep going , they are supposed to boomerang back to you
  • Getting poisoned means you walk around going "ooh" "ooh" every second until the status effect wears off while you glow green. There's no way to cure it... it's like something from a PS1 game.

  • I know that design operates contrary to most rpg designs, but I never understood the nature of those traditional designs anyway.

    Why should you be able to cure a temporary DOT? It just like any other damage sustain by your character just thats its huge amount health and it takes its time. The inability to cure DOTs make me very aware of those enemy that have that damage type and makes me change my strategy to pick those enemies out first each and every time. If you were allowed to heal DOTs, the Epic would have to design the game to throw more DOT type enemies at you to make their design present a challenge to a player. Cures makes DOT ineffective unless the player is faced with the scenario of having to deal with DOT type enemies without cures or forced not wanting to use cures. Having no ability to cure DOTs design gave Epic the ability to use DOT enemies sparingly while remaining formidable with the player having to use their fighting skills rather than potion managment to deal with a DOT enemy.

    I find it refreshing that TH has no potion management and the strategy and management mechanics of the game all focus on fighting. I know for a fact that if TH had cure and heal potions, I would just hoard those potions and rely on them instead of my skills as a player when situations got tight. The game does let you heal and cure DOTs, its called death. And unless you want to see the Valkeryies countless times you have to use your fighting skills rather than potions to come out of a challenging situation unscathed.

    • There are giant clusters of enemies that explode on one hit. I rolled a Berserker (melee-oriented) and that means lots of deaths, or resorting to my very low damage pistol skills, which is no fun. Imagine Diablo where some enemies just can't be beaten by a barbarian unless you use throwing knives. Ugh.

    • I totally agree with you. While different classes should have strength and weakness, TH goes to the extreme to make weakness almost ineffective at times. There were times where using a Berzerker with a rifle or dual pistols felt no more effective then throwing rocks at my enemies.

      The loot aspect works very well. I don't agree with the complaints that there is "too much" loot making most things worthless in the short term. The colour system (blues, oranges, etc) don't relate to WoW/Diablo in that the colour is purely based on the number of effects or slots an item has. I have lots of purples that are less beneficial to me than blues. I personally hate the WoW aspect of finding next to no "great" drops in hours of playing. I see why it works in an MMO-model, where the scarcity is the value of each item, but I don't want that in my single-player experience, thank you very much.

      Yeah, I think the volume and diversity of the loot is great except for the times where I build a set of armor I find very visually pleasing and having to let it go over time because I find armor with way better stats. I wish you had the ability to switch the stats on the armor with other armor you have in your inventory or a more robust armor upgrade system.
I know that design operates contrary to most rpg designs, but I never understood the nature of those traditional designs anyway.

Why should you be able to cure a temporary DOT? It just like any other damage sustain by your character just thats its huge amount health and it takes its time. The inability to cure DOTs make me very aware of those enemy that have that damage type and makes me change my strategy to pick those enemies out first each and every time. If you were allowed to heal DOTs, the Epic would have to design the game to throw more DOT type enemies at you to make their design present a challenge to a player. Cures makes DOT ineffective unless the player is faced with the scenario of having to deal with DOT type enemies without cures or forced not wanting to use cures. Having no ability to cure DOTs design gave Epic the ability to use DOT enemies sparingly while remaining formidable with the player having to use their fighting skills rather than potion managment to deal with a DOT enemy.

I find it refreshing that TH has no potion management and the strategy and management mechanics of the game all focus on fighting. I know for a fact that if TH had cure and heal potions, I would just hoard those potions and rely on them instead of my skills as a player when situations got tight. The game does let you heal and cure DOTs, its called death. And unless you want to see the Valkeryies countless times you have to use your fighting skills rather than potions to come out of a challenging situation unscathed.

I don't terribly mind that there's no way to cure it. It's more the way they've highlighted the effect of being poisoned that I was pointing out. You literally sit there as you walk for three of four minutes (during in-engine cut scenes if you happen to walk across one that's not a flashback) glowing green and saying "ooh" over and over again, like someone is jabbing you in the neck with a fork every second.

I honestly saw that happening and had to pause the game because I was laughing so much. I thought it must have been a placeholder effect that they didn't have time to fix. Oh well.
I might be clueless and this might have something to do with Live. But i noticed five areas in Aesir where there are doors with guards and signs (like the ones you find over the entrance ways to the armory, weapons shop and feast area) but glow red instead of white and are locked. The guards bow when you approach like it does for every other entrance which leads to one of major area, so it seems like the entrances are either unlockable, areas that weren't finished so wasn't included in the final game or areas related to TH2.

Has anyone unlocked these areas?
I don't terribly mind that there's no way to cure it. It's more the way they've highlighted the effect of being poisoned that I was pointing out. You literally sit there as you walk for three of four minutes (during in-engine cut scenes if you happen to walk across one that's not a flashback) glowing green and saying "ooh" over and over again, like someone is jabbing you in the neck with a fork every second.

I honestly saw that happening and had to pause the game because I was laughing so much. I thought it must have been a placeholder effect that they didn't have time to fix. Oh well.

Yup, it's things like that that are just not acceptable in games today, especially for one striving to create these deep cinematic/storytelling experiences.

What better way to break the believability of the world than to have cheesy PS1 era effects such as this, I mean it's just plain lazy, you're supposedly DYING yet the character sits there stretching? Absolutely no sign of pain, nothing but a cheesy sound effect and a green puff...

It's here that SK really shows how dated they are, and you can really tell it's been a long time since they've released a title. That sort of thing may have flown 7 or 8 years ago, but when you have titles like Mass Effect, Oblivion, Gears of War, Bioshock etc, you just can't get by with crap like that, games are on another level these days and SK seems to have been left a little bit in the dust.

I'm on the last level now, but can't bring myself to finish it, MGS4 has drawn me away...
I might be clueless and this might have something to do with Live. But i noticed five areas in Aesir where there are doors with guards and signs (like the ones you find over the entrance ways to the armory, weapons shop and feast area) but glow red instead of white and are locked. The guards bow when you approach like it does for every other entrance which leads to one of major area, so it seems like the entrances are either unlockable, areas that weren't finished so wasn't included in the final game or areas related to TH2.

Has anyone unlocked these areas?

I couldn't get in there as well also it doesn't show up on the maps, so I would doubt you can get in there this time.

I just finished it a few minutes ago and although there are annoying issues I have to say I really enjoyed it and will likely jump back in to level up my Bezerker or maybe have a go at it as a Champion. My biggest gripe is probably the cheapness of the bosses.

I'd rate the game a stong "8" maybe even a 8.5. It depends on how the other classes grab me. Also I think the ending is great for setting up the next game, I can't wait to hear more about the story.
Yup, it's things like that that are just not acceptable in games today, especially for one striving to create these deep cinematic/storytelling experiences.

What better way to break the believability of the world than to have cheesy PS1 era effects such as this, I mean it's just plain lazy, you're supposedly DYING yet the character sits there stretching? Absolutely no sign of pain, nothing but a cheesy sound effect and a green puff...

It's here that SK really shows how dated they are, and you can really tell it's been a long time since they've released a title. That sort of thing may have flown 7 or 8 years ago, but when you have titles like Mass Effect, Oblivion, Gears of War, Bioshock etc, you just can't get by with crap like that, games are on another level these days and SK seems to have been left a little bit in the dust.

I'm on the last level now, but can't bring myself to finish it, MGS4 has drawn me away...

In case you haven't noticed, Nintendo's free pass is still there, alive and kicking.
CliffyB has a review of it at this link.

I thought it was pretty well written and fall in line with my opinion of the game.

Last night I started playing it for maybe an hour at 1030 pm and ended stopping at 0230 AM. The game definitely has the "just one more level factor going. I decided to try leveling up my Bezerker through the 1st and 2nd levels. I ended up at Lvl 34. The game is getting brutal, but is still alot of fun.

I really want to get going on another character class, but my Bezerker is so bad ass now that I just can't wait to see what level 40 and 50 holds.

One of the other things that I find annoying is the very limited Charm and Rune slots. (20 and 60 respectively). Hopefully this will be increased if or when the sequel hits.
[*]Bugs! After five or so floors of the above, you end up on the ground floor fighting him... I attacked him with some combo-moves, then backed off as I neared death. Then I see a pair of swords following the boss hitting him as I run around fishing for health.. I wonder if this is normal, or a special move or something, but then I see "achievement unlocked" as they were apparently my swords following him around the room without me[/LIST]

So you deployed your Sentient Weapon ability?
Finally there are Sentient Weapons, an extremely useful ability and by default the last item on your skill tree. Set off by depressing both thumb-sticks, it sends a spooky copy of your current weapon floating into battle alongside you.
CliffyB has a review of it at this link.

I thought it was pretty well written and fall in line with my opinion of the game.

Last night I started playing it for maybe an hour at 1030 pm and ended stopping at 0230 AM. The game definitely has the "just one more level factor going. I decided to try leveling up my Bezerker through the 1st and 2nd levels. I ended up at Lvl 34. The game is getting brutal, but is still alot of fun.

I really want to get going on another character class, but my Bezerker is so bad ass now that I just can't wait to see what level 40 and 50 holds.

One of the other things that I find annoying is the very limited Charm and Rune slots. (20 and 60 respectively). Hopefully this will be increased if or when the sequel hits.

After puting about 25 hours in to the game, this pretty mutch mirrors my opinions as well....
A very good game, once you overcome/get used to the things this game does different from other games in the genre...

I personaly cant wait for the sequel...

and if I were to put a score on it, I would give it 8 out of 10 :)
That is awfully nice of him. Dyack is suing him and his company for millions and he turns around and writes a 3000 word glowing review that gives the game 5 out of 5 stars.

I don't know if that is more believable than the simple conclusion that it is not CliffyB at all but an imposter.

How does SK suing Epic stop CliffyB from being a gamer? And I didn't know CliffyB was named as a defendant in the lawsuit?

The dev and engineering staff of Epic is probably so removed from the lawsuit that I doubt it has any effect on most of their gaming decision nevermind everyday lives. Lawsuits are usually the business of the "suits upstairs" and I doubt people around the office is calling CliffyB "unepicatriotic" just because he like a SK product.
I don't know whether this is the real deal but...

It is not the first time a "CliffyB" review pops up (turned out to be someone else the last one I saw). It won't be the last too.

Anyway, more developer harmony is better.
How does SK suing Epic stop CliffyB from being a gamer? And I didn't know CliffyB was named as a defendant in the lawsuit?

The dev and engineering staff of Epic is probably so removed from the lawsuit that I doubt it has any effect on most of their gaming decision nevermind everyday lives. Lawsuits are usually the business of the "suits upstairs" and I doubt people around the office is calling CliffyB "unepicatriotic" just because he like a SK product.

Giant Bomb has taken that user review down now as the author has now confessed.

The gig is up guys. I only took on the name because I was upset upon hearing that Clifford Bleszinski was disowning it. I never thought it would actually get me so much attention, but I'm glad it resulted in so many people reading my review. Which, in fact, after surfing so many sites, it turns out isn't too uncommon an opinion of Too Human. I was CliffyB the day this site launched and not just for this review. I surfed all over the net yesterday pasting this review where ever I could or referring readers here. I just got an email from Ryan requesting a username change. It will most likely be Dryker soon. Well, my page is unavailable right now, so I shall see. It was fun while it lasted. CliffyB's the shit and he'll always be CliffyB to me.
I totally agree with you. While different classes should have strength and weakness, TH goes to the extreme to make weakness almost ineffective at times. There were times where using a Berzerker with a rifle or dual pistols felt no more effective then throwing rocks at my enemies.

Yeah, I noticed that too. Characters on the extreme ends tend to vary too much. I played two characters (Commando / gun slinger and Champion / warrior). I have the feeling that game is incomplete. If somehow, you can get a party of 4-5 players, then you would have to work as unit.

The Trolls with their resistance to range weapon makes Commando (with little protection and melee abilities) ineffective.

Overall, I'm really enjoying this game, even though I won't recommend this game to friends just yet...not until they get 4-5 players co-op going if ever.