Too Human

That was embarrassing. Why do people choose user names that are the same as real people. I can understand if the person was dead, like "Bruce Lee", but to use actual living people as user names...I just don't get it.

I still think the review was well written and pretty much in line with my thoughts.

I haven't found any Epic loot yet and I am currently at level 38 or 39.
Yeah, I noticed that too. Characters on the extreme ends tend to vary too much. I played two characters (Commando / gun slinger and Champion / warrior). I have the feeling that game is incomplete. If somehow, you can get a party of 4-5 players, then you would have to work as unit.

The Trolls with their resistance to range weapon makes Commando (with little protection and melee abilities) ineffective.

Overall, I'm really enjoying this game, even though I won't recommend this game to friends just yet...not until they get 4-5 players co-op going if ever.

I'd have to disagree with the Commando and trolls comment. Playing as a Bezerker my primary means of taking down the Trolls is to first concentrate on the hammer or bomb launcher with my guns. Next, I focus on there legs and then maybe melee or mount.

I agree that the differences are subtle, but I think the balancing problems with 5 different classes in addition to slightly different Cybernetic and Human paths (and the varying spider skills) would really be a nightmare for the developer to implement given how the game scales to your levels.

The defender and Bioengineer are 2 ends of the extremes with the Champion, Bezerker, and Commando being very similar. (From what I've read anyway)

BTW, I agree that there nitpicky things that I wished can be fixed with a patch or update, but 4 palyer co-op isn't on the top of my list as I rarely play co-op to begin with.
I'd have to disagree with the Commando and trolls comment. Playing as a Bezerker my primary means of taking down the Trolls is to first concentrate on the hammer or bomb launcher with my guns. Next, I focus on there legs and then maybe melee or mount.

Wow. Really? I'm lvl 28 Commando and starting to encounter Trolls where my slug/laser/plasma based cannons are doing about 1 point of damage. Am I missing something?

I agree that the differences are subtle, but I think the balancing problems with 5 different classes in addition to slightly different Cybernetic and Human paths (and the varying spider skills) would really be a nightmare for the developer to implement given how the game scales to your levels.

The defender and Bioengineer are 2 ends of the extremes with the Champion, Bezerker, and Commando being very similar. (From what I've read anyway)

I have only played as Champion (lvl 44) and Commando (lvl 28) so far. I played them using the same style. However, there are subtle differences.

With Champion, no matter how fast your reloading, you will end up melee with the monsters when it get swarmy. Which is a good thing, because then you can quickly build up your combo meter.

With Commando, you don't really need to melee, just make sure you're have enough room to run. With your quick reload and rate of fire, you can shoot the monsters down in time. However, your combo meter doesn't go up as quickly, as you will have to kill a leader or Troll to get a boost.

BTW, I agree that there nitpicky things that I wished can be fixed with a patch or update, but 4 palyer co-op isn't on the top of my list as I rarely play co-op to begin with.

Man, you really have to give multiplayer a try. The number of enemies on screen is sometimes insanely difficult! Love it!!!
I'd have to disagree with the Commando and trolls comment. Playing as a Bezerker my primary means of taking down the Trolls is to first concentrate on the hammer or bomb launcher with my guns. Next, I focus on there legs and then maybe melee or mount.

I agree that the differences are subtle, but I think the balancing problems with 5 different classes in addition to slightly different Cybernetic and Human paths (and the varying spider skills) would really be a nightmare for the developer to implement given how the game scales to your levels.

The defender and Bioengineer are 2 ends of the extremes with the Champion, Bezerker, and Commando being very similar. (From what I've read anyway)

BTW, I agree that there nitpicky things that I wished can be fixed with a patch or update, but 4 palyer co-op isn't on the top of my list as I rarely play co-op to begin with.

Berzerkers and Commandos sit on the opposite ends of extremes and play nothing alike. A mob full of dark or light polarities especially leaders or trolls will readily highlight the difference.
Berzerkers and Commandos sit on the opposite ends of extremes and play nothing alike. A mob full of dark or light polarities especially leaders or trolls will readily highlight the difference. Like I said haven't played as a Commando yet, but that's good info to know.

Regarding trolls, I try to focus fire primarily on the gun or hammer arm with a rifle using my grenade secondary fire. In most cases, it takes about 5 grenades in addition to primary gun fire to complete destroy the arm. Once that is taken out, the trolls really doesn't represent much of a threat unless you get stepped on or swipe at with the opposite arms, both of which is very easy to avoid. I've gotten the kill 18 trolls charm twice using the above method.

BTW, I hardly ever use the cannons or pistols. I just find the rifle with secondary fire to be much more effective at dealing splash damage than either of the other weapons.

I haven't been on the last 2 days due to domestic wife commander responsiblities, but will have to try and get on tonight.
Man, you really have to give multiplayer a try. The number of enemies on screen is sometimes insanely difficult! Love it!!!

It's pretty insane already at almost Level 40!!!

My problem with co-op is I rarely make actual plans on when I'm gaming. A lot of times I plan on gaming at a certain time and then something unexpected comes up. It makes it hard to set up times with friends to co-op.

I'm more likely to co-op when I see my friends are already on-line.
My Too Human review: the only one that matters

So I got a copy of Too Human and spent about 5.5 hours on it last night. Started off with Berserker and went to tech the left side of the tech tree with Human affiliation. When I stopped playing at 3:30am! I was done with the Ice Forest level and at level 19.

Funny enough, the first hour of this game is the least fun. Getting your character up a few levels, getting used to the controls, tech tree etc... You're basically spending the first hour or so just learning and I think this was a big issue with the demo also. After about an hour your character has leveled up a bit, you've found some good loot and now can start getting into the game.

Surprisingly, the right stick combat works quite well and the lack of a block button was no longer an issue once I discovered that rolling makes you invincible during the animation. I went from dying too many times from the first couple of trolls to outright owning them by timing my rolls right. I had planned to play for an hour or two but as aforementioned, I was up until 3:30 and played for 5.5....I never played Diablo or other loot games but there is a very grabbing element about the gameplay that will keep you playing. You really want to see how Godlike your character can be and how much damage he'll inflict onto your foes. From a gameplay standpoint, after I got the hang of it, I was quite happy with Too Human.

Having said that, everything else about the game is rather average. The graphics don’t' win any awards. They would look good if this was a launch title but compared to a laundry list of beautiful 360 games, they’re simply average. The framerate holds up in game but suffers in cutscenes which would be ok if the cutscenes were amazing. They’re not. While I like the story elements, having very poor animations, character designs and uninspired dialogue delivery in cut scenes just kills that immersion. There is a small element of squad play but you wouldn't know it. Your "team" is downright useless and get used to hearing the same lines over and over (Assassin's Creed like). They’re worse squad members than Battlefield: Bad Company NPC’s, if you can believe that. The music score is a hit and miss. Sound effects are nothing special. The camera is actually quite good and is generally only an issue in the beginning of the game. The entire ice forest level, I never battled with the camera. It just worked.

This game gets really close to being very good but it just keeps falling short. Despite it’s shortcomings, the gameplay is quite solid and will keep playing just to see what your character will evolve into next. Since the control scheme is very different than most action games, you’ll need to give it some time but you’ll be surprised how natural it feels after an hour or so. While I would not recommend for a purchase, it’s a very solid rental and the co op means I’ll certainly have one more playthrough.

Overall I’d give Too Human a 7.5 It’s a game with very good gameplay and average everything else. It certainly did not get any favors due to the actions and words of Dennis Dyack. I firmly believe many people were against Too Human long before it's debut due to Dyack and frankly, it’s understandable. Dyack's actions were quite obnoxious for the most part and had he produced a spectacular game, it’d still get marked down from the burden he placed upon it. Too Human is meant to be a trilogy. I’m happy for that. I want to see numbers 2 and 3 but if this is MS owned IP, I want them to have someone else work on it. Keep the gameplay and overhaul everything else. You’ll have a great sequel. Something that Dennis Dyack was trying to achieve with this game but failed at.
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I'm curious as to your thoughts on the story so far. Since, you haven't finished the game yet, you probably do not have an opinion on the ending.

I'd like to hear your opinion when you've finsihed your first time thru. My character really felt powerful after the 2nd play through at near level 40 and I'd guess it would take a 3rd to get to level 50. I'm a little disappointed that I haven't got any Epic items yet.

Also, whenever you visit Aesir, try to visit each area as some story elements aren't reviewed unless they are visited. I know of at least one that I missed on the first play thru.
So far the story is good. I like the spin on using actual ancient God names in a new society and how, even as God's they have the same human weaknesses. Even the script is good. Just the delivery sucks along with the "acting."
I don't think there's a thread on it, but it was featured in one of the console tech forums (probably the upscaling one). We even have one of the games' devs posting here.
I tried Sacred 1 and thought it was very meh. It was a decent Diablo clone but lacked anything to make it addictive... which is what makes these games, after all.

Back on topic... I sat down for a new class roll last night - this time Defender - and sat through the whole two first acts over five hours! This game is definitely better the second time through, though that may be because the defender doesn't feel as outclassed as my Berserker or Commando rolls (both two extremes that don't do well at range and melee respectively).

I can't believe how much I'm enjoying this game. After all the nonsense prior to the game's release, it's simply enjoyable. I'm very happy with this purchase... in fact I'd put it up there amongst the most enjoyable games I've played this year despite all the flaws I noted earlier.

I haven't tried co-op yet since I'm generally unreliable (Megan will call me off the TV on occasion and I must do as she bids :p) but I'm considering looking for a partner for act 3. Hit me up if you're at the same spot (lvl 20).
I wonder for those that are enjoying the game,what would be your Top 5suggestions for Silicon Knights on the sequel if made.

Mine are in no particular order:

More varied locations/enemy types
Frame rate oprimization
Better directed/acted cut scenes
User executable magic/bomb effects
More loot
All done with the game. I have to say it was quite fun to play through. I enjoyed the story and liked the ending. Certainly want the rest of the trilogy made.

I ended the game as a level 27 Berserker. I spent like 200k doing blu prints in the end. Now I only have 51k loot but I'm sure I can salvage a ton of items. Just need to learn more about them before I do it though. Using the loot for Blueprints made me a proper God. I can't recall dying much on the last level. However, I died a total of 55 times, killed 3996 of the bastards with 1847 air kills. The game clock registers 11hours 30mins played so far but that involves breaks where I left the console running just browsing through menu's and such. I'd say the game itself took about 10 hours.

Now I'll certainly enjoy a run though on co-op. The gameplay itself is quite good.
I think you'll enjoy it even more as your Bezerker gets leveled up to the mid 30s t0 40s. I've been meaning to give it a go since my Bezerker hit 39-40, but life keeps intruding.
Preview has been pretty good, I'm interested in this game, but on internet it's a dead peice of meat and the game has no attention.
It will need to be brilliant to sell.

Previews for all games are pretty much allways great\good.

Which is understandable since journalism is about creating hype, nobody wants to read about how bad a new game is going to be..
Something cool happened last night...

A buddy of mine wanted to play some coop. I was down for trying it out since I've not done so yet, and really wanted to see what the game was like in that mode. Again, to be clear--I do like the game--but I just am not in love like I had hoped I would be due to its many flaws.

Anyway, as soon as we began chatting on Live something came up on his end and he had to take off. Since I was already in the game, I decided to start up a new game as a Commando.

I fired it up and gave it a good 3 hours of play--and really enjoyed the gameplay of the Commando as oppossed to the Beserker. For me, it just felt much more natural to hold down the LT & RT to fire, moving around with the LS and aim with the RS. Infact, it immediately hit me during the first level in the Hall of Heros. The Beserker class fighting mechanic, for me, just didn't click with the RS analog nature with precision. I undertand that it's really great for some of you, so I dont mean to speak for everyone here--just myself.

Also, I found this in the Ice Fortress! :)


Where exactly did you find this?
I found that one too. Each of the five items dropped an orange piece of armour making up an unofficial set (where they're named the same but don't have any cumulating benefits/aren't "true" sets).

On the Ice Planet, the secret areas are found by knocking a hole in certain walls that look flimsy. There's one right after your first purple jump-pad. Once you find one such wall, you'll know what to look for. IIRC, this one in particular was the last one in the level, so you'll have to go digging.

Oh and the level 2 secret missions are hard. You go up platforms fighting swarms of guys of all types (named, leaders, trolls, resistance-heavy, etc) and if you die you are locked out of the secret spot.