Luminescent said:Demalion, I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear enough, but my "reasoning" was given as the second and main point in my response to address this doubt:Hmm...I don't understand how your reasoning relates to pocketmoon's Cg results at all, at this time.
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My main reasoning behind the fp16 and fp32 performance delta has nothing to do with pocketmoon (that was extra info which seems to support my point somewhat).It seems you are implying your comments address fp32 performance, and I'm not clear on why you propose they do.
But I still don't understand your reasoning, since pocketmoon's shaders seem to illustrate the opposite of what you seem to be saying they do...that is what I was addressing in the main body of my text. I addressed that in detail because you mentioned it and I don't understand your interpretation of it.
I put in my $.02 of reasoning explaining why the pixel shader 2.0 3DMark bench would not really exploit the difference between the two types of fp formats. In a nutshell: because it is not a really long shader (I'm assuming; a long shader would require allot of data streaming and register access) would be more fit to exploit the pros and cons which NV3X faces by using less/more shading precesion.
Hmm...well, you said: "if you take a look at pocektmoon's'll find that the descrepencies between partial and full precision on the NV30 are little, if anything, under FP30 mode". I don't see this at all, and in fact see the opposite as far as I am able to understand right now.
This extends to your 3dmark 03 benchmark comments, since I'm not sure how you are relating "does not even exceed...96 instruction count" as applying to that, and not applying to the pocketmoon benchmark you mentioned by name (Shader test 4, the median filter) which seems to directly contradict my understanding of what you propose.
Again, I state that, AFAIK, "nv30 instruction count" and "dx 9 instruction count" need not necessarily correspond for the same functionality to be expressed, which seems to be the root of some of the assumptions being made.
Again, I ask, are you mistaking the numbers in the table which indicate instruction count results with fps results?