The only thing that ever bothers me about the ever shrinking pool of developers is perception. A lot of game companies complain that their software doesn't sell on Gamecube while the same game will sell much more on PS2 and XBox.
But really, what is it about that statement that raises an eyebrow? Imo, most Gamecube owners are what you would call "hardcore," i.e., the truly "average" gamer will get a PS2 or XBox simply because it's the "in" thing to have, and will buy a ton of games, whether they are good or bad.
A lot of my friends and family are like this. They play the most inane games, be it sports, shooters, etc, just because they're there. But the people that own GC systems that I know, in general, are more conscientious about what they purchase, and what they expect. Maybe GC owners are spoiled by Nintendo's attention to detail in all of their games.
To be honest, it's the strategy from Sony, i.e. "throw the sh*t at the wall until something sticks" that drove me away from the PS1, and then the PS2. I owned both for a few months, and sold them both when I realized that there was more and more crap being dumped out than good games.
So when I see developers complain that their games don't sell that well on GC systems, I would say that maybe they need to pay attention to the game itself, and make it higher quality. If you put a game like Onimusha, or Ico, or Shenmue, or Metal Gear or some other AAA game on GC I'm pretty sure it'd sell like hot cakes. Witness practically every GC SEGA game, and Capcom's games on the GC as well as witness that if you put out quality games on the GC, the gamers will buy it. But if you don't, the sales will suffer.
Now don't get me wrong, it does upset me that some companies are scaling back their plans for the GC because they see this trend of games tending to not sell well on the GC. But I wonder if that's more a reflection of the general lack of quality games that are tossed onto the Xbox and PS2 these days, rather than a failing of the GC.
I really don't know. But given the sales of games this time around, it sure seems to be that way.
But really, what is it about that statement that raises an eyebrow? Imo, most Gamecube owners are what you would call "hardcore," i.e., the truly "average" gamer will get a PS2 or XBox simply because it's the "in" thing to have, and will buy a ton of games, whether they are good or bad.
A lot of my friends and family are like this. They play the most inane games, be it sports, shooters, etc, just because they're there. But the people that own GC systems that I know, in general, are more conscientious about what they purchase, and what they expect. Maybe GC owners are spoiled by Nintendo's attention to detail in all of their games.
To be honest, it's the strategy from Sony, i.e. "throw the sh*t at the wall until something sticks" that drove me away from the PS1, and then the PS2. I owned both for a few months, and sold them both when I realized that there was more and more crap being dumped out than good games.
So when I see developers complain that their games don't sell that well on GC systems, I would say that maybe they need to pay attention to the game itself, and make it higher quality. If you put a game like Onimusha, or Ico, or Shenmue, or Metal Gear or some other AAA game on GC I'm pretty sure it'd sell like hot cakes. Witness practically every GC SEGA game, and Capcom's games on the GC as well as witness that if you put out quality games on the GC, the gamers will buy it. But if you don't, the sales will suffer.
Now don't get me wrong, it does upset me that some companies are scaling back their plans for the GC because they see this trend of games tending to not sell well on the GC. But I wonder if that's more a reflection of the general lack of quality games that are tossed onto the Xbox and PS2 these days, rather than a failing of the GC.
I really don't know. But given the sales of games this time around, it sure seems to be that way.