Joe DeFuria said:Congrats, John, not only do you come off as a terrorist pandering American against America, quick to support anti-semitism while running away from instead of confronting the enemy, now you're a blatantly obvious hypocrite for crying foul over the very thing you're a master of.
Ahh, yes, because a vote for anyone but Bush is a vote for terrorism. Support Herr Dubya or be branded a terrorist. Criticize the current administration and you're anti-American (though one who quotes the Founding Fathers and endorses their ideals). And the anti-semitic comment coming from the guy who threw it into the discussion for no apparent reason? Priceless. But, remember Joe, you're the one on record able to bifurcate your strong dislike of Jewish faith/religion (you know, that little thing that pretty much defines them) from Jews themselves.
Honestly, I've seen week-old soap film with more substance than the thin veneer behind which you hide your self-righteous bigotry.
No, that's not becoming of you. Your track is putting on your mod hat and deleting posts, remember?
Not quite. My pattern is to repeatedly warn first and when a someone doesn't get it into their heads that I'm serious, then I start laying on the delete button. Your pattern is to tell only half the picture. . .curiously enough, your half.