The Wind Waker - Got Impressions?

WORLD complexity. As in the ground you're walking on. It really doesn't look all that high-poly. :?

The characters look wonderful, of course!
Tagrineth said:
WORLD complexity. As in the ground you're walking on. It really doesn't look all that high-poly. :?

The characters look wonderful, of course!

Its the way the game is designed. I'm sure it uses many polygons for its looks . The game is very very impressive. Not only that but its fun to play. Anyway I just started a game with my little cousin and he is every into it (big ff fan on the psone) Lets see if i have to take out my old systems so he can play all the zeldas
I'm nearing the end of Dragon Roost Cave, and I'm really liking the game.

Some of the puzzles and mini-games are familiar (rehashed, even.. like the first little "game" with the gang of boys at Windfall) but for the most part they're done so well (and are so well integrated into their environment) that it doesn't matter.

BTW, the level design in this game is absolutely fantastic. Definitely some of the best stuff I've seen recently, right up there with SMS and MP on GameCube and Splinter Cell on t3h 'Box.
Well I'm about 15hrs into it and after I beat the third dungeon, not counting the forbiden fortress the second time, the story really develops and I love the plot, I won't spoil it for anybody. I really love the sidequests alot more then OoT's they tie into the story more and there's alot more to do. This game plays excellently, the more I play it the more I love it. Although I still don't like playing the music, for instance I learned the song to change night into day and vice versa and the guy dances in 6/4 time but the song is meant to be played in 3/4 time, I thought he was pausing between certain movements, this really pissed the hell out of me. I also love the minie dungeons and finding the charts to find the items you look for.

This game is just alot bigger and deeper with more stuff to do then OoT.

Still don't like alot of the sound effects, i.e. when you slip on the ice, horrible.
Never been a big Zelda fan; I think LttP is the only truly "great" game in the entire series...but this game is just astonishing. I'm loving every minute I'm playing and cursing every moment I'm away from it. If it keeps up like this (I've actually heard it gets better :oops: ) it'll easily be among my top games ever, if not at the very top.

As for the sound effect complaint, I have to agree. Some are great and others, like the breaking glass, are just jarringly bad.
Plasmatics: Heh, I'm a big fan but I must say that LTTP is my favorite too.

TWW is great so far. I'm at the Forbidden Woods dungeon and the game keeps getting better. My only qualms are the slightly easy enemies/puzzles and some linearity. (more or less brought on by the sea, and the boat's requests)
Wow, I'm just beyond the point where the story really begins to unfold (after the first 3 dungeons) and it's getting better every hour. The gameplay is (as always) excellent. Nintendo just knows how to perfectly implement this whole "obstacle --> reward --> obstacle --> reward"-thing, which is probably the basis of every good action-adventure.
But the gameplay was already as good as it gets in OoT, though the improvments (battle system, a lot more sidequests etc.) are still nice, of course. Its the story which has improved significantly though. Quite a few twists and turns (although - and thank god for this - not in FF-ish quantities ;) ) and a lot of references to other Zelda games (especially OoT).

Soundtrack is great too although some boss-themes could be a little more dramatic. The sailing-theme is pure greatness e.g. (as in OoT I hate travelling during the night because the music only plays in the daytime :D). I agree though that a few sound effects are a little weird.
Oh, and I love the graphics-style btw. Imho Miyamoto was clearly right: The cartoon-look gives the game this lighthearted atmosphere which is typical of every Zelda game.

At the moment I'm inclined to say that WW is even better than OoT. But I reserve my final judgment until I'm finished.
I absolutely adore this game. Some people take a game and try to beat it as quickly as possible. I'm relishing every side quest that comes up. I *love* this game. And let me say too.

Sailing. Oh god it's soooooooo much fun. I don't know what the reviews were talking about, but I could saily forever. The seas, the music, the lightning, changing from day to night, etc etc etc. It's great great fun.

This is my first zelda experience since the first one on the NES. I never got a chance to play LTTP or OOT or MM, or any of the gameboy games. Man. I'm so glad I pre-ordered. Now I get to play OOT and MQ.

Well, back to Zelda. :)
Natoma: If you like TWW, give LTTP (on the GBA ) a shot.. or try to get your hands on the OOT disc for GCN.

You'll definitely be satisfied! :)
So I just beat WW and I keep asking my self, "Is that it?", I know I can go bacl and do side quests but I want a longer main story.
Ok I just finished Zelda TWW today and I started playing OOT for the first time. I can see why the reviews have stated that they took OOT and improved every facet and that became TWW.

The music, control system (especially the user controllable camera. dear lord I appreciate it even more after playing OOT), and the art direction for TWW definitely are perfect for this game. I don't think it would have been as good of a game in terms of artistic direction if it had been "realistic" like the Spaceworld 2000 demo.

People probably would have just said "Oh, it's just OOT with prettier graphics and a slightly tweaked interface," which would have not done justice to the game.

After finishing it, I can agree completely. TWW is perfect the way it is. Well, almost. I wish there were more things to do with your money. 5000 rupees is a lot of cash and there's not much to buy in the game that you can't get from myriad enemies, or just cutting the lawn. Also, the enemies could have taken a little more damage off to make the game just a tad more difficult, but even there I can understand as the game designers wanted to place more emphasis on the puzzles rather than the battles with the individual enemies.

Either way, this game is a masterpiece. For my first Zelda experience since the original on the NES (which I also loved and completed both quests), I can say that I am quite pleased to have delved back in. Now on to Metroid, Eternal Darkness, Mario Sunshine, and a host of other games that I haven't had a chance to play yet. :)

p.s.: I think I completed every side quest in the game before actually completing the game, which most certainly enriched my experience, as well as the story itself. I played the game roughly 3-5 hours a day, every day, for the past month. So I can safely say that my total time was roughly 80-100 hours. Definitely got my money's worth.
Natoma said:
Ok I just finished Zelda TWW today and I started playing OOT for the first time. I can see why the reviews have stated that they took OOT and improved every facet and that became TWW.

The music, control system (especially the user controllable camera. dear lord I appreciate it even more after playing OOT), and the art direction for TWW definitely are perfect for this game. I don't think it would have been as good of a game in terms of artistic direction if it had been "realistic" like the Spaceworld 2000 demo.

People probably would have just said "Oh, it's just OOT with prettier graphics and a slightly tweaked interface," which would have not done justice to the game.

After finishing it, I can agree completely. TWW is perfect the way it is. Well, almost. I wish there were more things to do with your money. 5000 rupees is a lot of cash and there's not much to buy in the game that you can't get from myriad enemies, or just cutting the lawn. Also, the enemies could have taken a little more damage off to make the game just a tad more difficult, but even there I can understand as the game designers wanted to place more emphasis on the puzzles rather than the battles with the individual enemies.

Either way, this game is a masterpiece. For my first Zelda experience since the original on the NES (which I also loved and completed both quests), I can say that I am quite pleased to have delved back in. Now on to Metroid, Eternal Darkness, Mario Sunshine, and a host of other games that I haven't had a chance to play yet. :)

p.s.: I think I completed every side quest in the game before actually completing the game, which most certainly enriched my experience, as well as the story itself. I played the game roughly 3-5 hours a day, every day, for the past month. So I can safely say that my total time was roughly 80-100 hours. Definitely got my money's worth.

You should try and get the super nes zelda a link to the past. Another great one. The only zelda i didn't care for is majora's mask. But you can't allways make a perfect game.
jvd said:
You should try and get the super nes zelda a link to the past. Another great one. The only zelda i didn't care for is majora's mask. But you can't allways make a perfect game.

I'm going to get LTTP on GBA. :)
Natoma said:
jvd said:
You should try and get the super nes zelda a link to the past. Another great one. The only zelda i didn't care for is majora's mask. But you can't allways make a perfect game.

I'm going to get LTTP on GBA. :)

cool i don't play with my gba anymore its to small and bothers my hands ... but i'm getting the gba thing that hooks up to the gamecube so i can still play the gba games .
Natoma: LTTP is sooooo damned good IMO.

TWW + OOT - some NPC's + a shift from 3D back to 2D. That's LTTP! :D I just love the game. It is to Zelda I what Wind Waker is to OOT.. except this time it's better in almost every single way instead of being better in only a few ways.. (and worse in others, like dungeon count and lack of difficulty .. nevermind the occasionally tedious sailing)
Blade said:
Natoma: LTTP is sooooo damned good IMO.

TWW + OOT - some NPC's + a shift from 3D back to 2D. That's LTTP! :D I just love the game. It is to Zelda I what Wind Waker is to OOT.. except this time it's better in almost every single way instead of being better in only a few ways.. (and worse in others, like dungeon count and lack of difficulty .. nevermind the occasionally tedious sailing)

Still say a link to the past is the best zelda game ever made .
I played throug to about half way through the third dungeon before becoming bored to the point of tears. The game offered zero challenge up to that point, it was little better then a FMV fare game. Yes, you have to move the controller around and press a few buttons, but I did not come close to facing death once. The puzzles seam like they were aimed more at the PS2 set, stupidly easy to solve. The game itself plays like a PS2 title actually, incredibly easy puzzles combined with incredibly easy gameplay mechanics and not offering a hint of a challenge.

WindWaker has nearly convinced me to never buy another piece of Nintendo hardware. If I want dumbed down stupidly easy PS2 level games I'll buy games for the PS2. Hearing the comments from Miyamoto it seems like this will be a continuing trend, dumbing games down to appease to the casuals(SMS too hard...... please :devilish: ).

Now that I have had a few hours of hands on time myself and watched my wife play through the game a great deal(she beat it a while back) I have to say my views on the visuals have changed a bit. Before I thought that OoT slightly edged out WW, now I think it kicks it in the face repeatedly until their is nothing left but red, runny pulp :devilish: The game is simply hideously ugly. The artistic style is insanely disjointed, the singular aspect of the game that had a hope of offering some potential was likely the poorest aspect of the game. Smoothly flowing sail on top of a ship that is cutting razor sharp waves in the water, WTF were they thinking? After playing WW I find it beneficial to fire up OoT to rinse away the realization of Nintendo destroying one of my favorite franchises, and am regularly impressed by how much better the visuals are. Sad really, at the moment I'm can't think of a single first party Nintendo title that I'm looking forward to. If not for come of the upcoming Capcom/Sega titles the Cube would likely be getting packed up about now. Between MM and WW the Zelda franchise is now a joke IMO.
hey stop that, Zelda : Kaze No Takuto isn't even released in here, you're killing my expectations :p

What's MM ?
I played throug to about half way through the third dungeon before becoming bored to the point of tears.

Faint praise indeed :(... A shame to hear this really, I've been considering buying a GC to play zelda but the one thing holding me back is the difficulty level. I thought zelda on the snes was much better than occarina of time mainly because of the complete lack of any semblence of a challenge posed by the n64 title (this may be a case of rose coloured glasses though there was around a decade gap between me playing the 2 games).

I'm guessing my opinion of MM is something close to yours, so maybe I'll hold off on the purchase just now.
JVD: I'd go further than that and call it possibly my favorite single-player experience ever. :)

Ben: Eh, TWW isn't that easy. I mean, I would call it "easy" but it was intriguing enough for me to put 20+ hours in so far.

I'm not complaining.