The Position


Something I'd always been curious about :)

Do you place Little Bro up, down, left, right, diagonal-up-right or diagonal-up-left, diagonal-down-right or diagonal-down-left ?
Hehe, I hope this thread isn't too "tasteless" for some.

I only ask because my 8-yo son yesterday asked me after he'd pissed and my reply was "It's different for a lot of boys, Sean... don't worry about it, it doesn't matter".

Doesn't stop me from asking here ("behind the Internet") what I'd always never dared asked but always was curious about!! :)
If I have a protrusion problem, he goes straight up with a bit ending up out of the top and under my shirt. There is simply no way to put him downwards in any sense without it becoming extremely obvious.

Otherwise he just goes down.