pax said:
The minute you said you didnt think awareness was special I knew it was posturing. There is so little you can say to back that up its not worth pursuing the conversation. As for evidence I told you what I consider evidence. Even many hardcore highly educated atheists admit awareness is something utterly tho simply special.
Really? It was that obvious?
My argument has nothing to do with posturing Pax. It does however, have everything to do with you defining the words and concepts you use. I guestion your perception of what special means as I don't see awareness as an indication of God or likewise any other deity. I feel this side of our discussion is heading dangerously close to the Watch Makers Fallacy.
The problem isnt that I didnt provide you with evidence. The problem is that you dont accept what I presented you to be evidence. You should at least be honest about that.
Oh no this isn't even so. You haven't presented evidence at all. You might find it soathing to convince yourself you have make sound arguments but you haven't stated anything supporting your beliefs.
In summary the last few post of our debate have been concerning your observation of awareness as evidence of a creator. How so? YOu refer to it as "special." IMO this is no different from the Watch Makers Fallacy which implies all complexity in nature simply couldn't happen without the guidance of a creator. As time and science have progressed we have realized more and more about ourselves and likewise the world around us. What we once held as religious axiom we now know is nothing but a biological occurance. It shouldn't strike you as odd that i request you back your claims (something i seem to have to request of you often in debates). Can you substantiate that awareness is not a biological construct as opposed to a spiritual one?
Im not saying you're necessarily completely insincere in the debate. Im saying that as an atheist you dont make much of an effort to defend your position. The idea of god has untold number of definitions some of which dont even include his being an aware personality. You could at least provide cohesive arguments against god (in his more philosophical definition other than the mere superstitious ones) other than ask me to prove he or it exists.
I find your statements to be nothing more than pure sanctimony.
Pax i should not have to provide as you say "cohesive arguments" against God (whatever you may consider them

). I am not the one discounting an axiom or some other matter proven to be fact. The matter we are discussing is that the existance of God has not be proven. Which brings us to a portion of our discussion: what evidence do you have for the existance of God?
An atheist or agnostic, logically, has not responsibility to go about disproving or discounting every known deity in order to adhere to their disbelief. Likewise it would make no sense of me to request you to disprove every other deity.
You argument is a reflection of your culture. You believe in God as that is more than likely what you have been lead to believe. Is there any reason why some one else's belief in an entirely different belief structure then yours is some how incorrect? On what basis would you decide this?
You debate the more supersitious versions of god and its not a really diffcult thing to do. I dont see why you spent so much time debating with v3 as its like arguing with a kid (no offence v3) about arithmetic. In any case I thought you came off as bad as poor old v3 did.
I debate the version of God portrayed in the bible. Is there any reason your version of God is some how more accurate then the thousands of years old depictions of the same deity?
What is a less superstious version of God pax? Would being less superstious make it a more accurate depiction? I can't help but recognize the convolusion in your reasoning.
But when faced with more simple and basic philosophical questions you circumvent them. You dont seem to answer basic questions for yourself about meaning of life. I think you'd likely say why should there be a meaning of life outside the temporal existence.
Pax my entire dicussion with you here, as in many other instances, has been a class act of you posturing and condescending while attempting to take a higher moral ground. You often pretend to be informed on topics by substituting life experiences in place of facts.
I have asked you several times to provide the evidence in your life for the existance of God, not once have you done this. You have suggested that awareness is "special" ergo being existance of God. You refused to explain what it meant to be "special" or how it couldn't be derived from a biological existance. Lets run with your religious reasoning shall we?
Lets say for a minute you are correct about awareness being of spiritual origins. Which deity would be the founder of that spiritual construct? Odin? Ra? YHWH? Ba'al? Certainly your response would be God. How could you confirm this over the possibility of it being 1000 other deities we either know or don't know about?
How can you move forward on a basic issue when you go about thinking in such ways? As if questions asked by billions and intellects far above our own isnt worth an attempt at answering...
As have many asked questions concerning other deities...
How does god smell... if he exists why cant I smell him... Is not an honest question... Your query for evidence and every other post where that has already been asked for here dont provide undeniable proof of gods existence. Therefore there is no physical manifestation by itself that can be sufficient. So evidence is indeed subjective as in the case of self awareness. You either accept some creature if it ever manifests in front of you for your senses as being god or not... but I dont see how doubt cant creep into such methods of arrivng at belief. But intellectually you can arrive at a concept that is both logical, without the obvious paradoxes you latched onto to support your posture, and reasonable...
Its quite obvious you are attempting to disintigrate this discussion into a meaningless apologetics speal. I am fine with that. Its so very typical.
I dont want to define that for you as its like asking me as a 5 year old to describe to an adult what turtle looks like... Look it up yourself...
More sanctimony. You use loaded terminology. I, trying to keep with the principles of debating request that you present the meaning behind your words in order to make sure we are in the same ball park. You apon receiving the request go on a tangent about how puerile and simplistic i am.
But that doesnt mean I dont have a general understanding of who or what god may be. Grab a philo 101 book and see and itll probably be near to what I think of god.
Nor does it mean you have even the slightest clue. If all you can do is refer to your knowledge of God with such weak conviction i question the exact nature of how representative your evidence for him is.
A sentient being, without origin, loving, just, perfect in moral ways, capable of prescience in terms of mechanisms but not in terms of the destiny of other sentient free willed beings. Who can make anything thats not encompassed by a paradox... the original creator.
Why couldn't he be the opposite?
But heck you're probably a robot what do I know... And thus responding to any idea with a question ultimately irrelevant to the concept. This is like asking for proof before undertaking formulating a hypotheses before looking for evidence to the contrary of the hypothesis.
Of course because nothing can be determined with solid facts. We live in a mythical world without concrete evidence for anything. Our entire lives are nothing more than an illusion.
This insight Ill readily tell you is in my mind a completely an intellectual one. What we call faith but I dont subscribe to the idea that experimentation shouldnt be pursuid. Its faith until we can create experimentation to the contrary and that experimentation proves itself invalid. But the hypotheses itself will never ceese to demand experimentation because the universe maybe as timeless as god. Thus no final origin might possibly be finally arrived at. I think this situation is very likely to be the case... Thus we should pursue experimentation but due to the fact its a possibly infinite exploration I dont see why we cant allow intellectual speculation.
after trying God 6.1 Pax had this testimony of our product....
So ya of course its subjective. And the most personal investigation one can take. My only attempt here isnt to convince you its just to see where you stand.
But when some one ask the "wrong questions" they are to be considered a simplisitic child by people like yourself.