Well, so far the playable snippets of gameplay they've released publically all looked incredibly boilerplate (the gunplay) if not downright awful (the stealth segments and the qtes). It just happens to look really pretty, and just about everyone is in agreement on that too. Calling it what it is isn't being irrational or hateful.
This is a criticism that I wouldn't argue with. As I can appreciate such a criticism based on what has been shown outside of the most recent stuff. I actually agreed with this, until I saw the latest trailers and TV spots that showed more of the weapons and gunplay off.
I wanna play the game because I want to experience the game's visuals for myself, but that is literally the only reason right now. As an interactive experience, I think it looks utterly shit. Most writers aren't graphics whores above all else though, so the general reaction to the game hardly comes as a surprise.
This however, just seems like an irrational presumption to me. As, fair enough the game looks like it isn't doing anything new in the gameplay mechanics field, but if you are a fan of TPS's in general, I cannot see how you can look at games like RE4/5/6, GeoW, Uncharted, Max Payne 3, Binary Domain's gameplay and this, and then go on to say that this looks like "utter shit", as an interactive experience. Does it really look any less interactive than those games mentioned? Do the QTE's or gunplay balance appear in any significant way different to Resisdent Evil 4 for example?
I can only interpret your statement to say that you just don't like TPS gameplay, in which case that's fair, but then it's not a criticism of this game, but the entire genre that you don't like. In such a case you're impression of the game becomes pretty irrelevant to me (and I mean no offence by that), as I definintely love Third Person Shooters, and I'm expecting this game to be as enjoyable to play as any of the ones I've mentioned.