Here too, although, by my experience, eurogamer is by far the best (quickest, and. . .best)
Yeah it's quick!Here too, although, by my experience, eurogamer is by far the best (quickest, and. . .best)
21:34.26 -
He's talking about a system called GMS - Global Mapping System - which will allow users to upload their own pictures and data of the world around them, and create a detailed view of the world in that way.
Hey check this out:
I think this sounds a little bit like one was explaining a lil bit ago? or no?
7:22: A question on why HDMI only is in the high level version of the PS3 only. Kutaragi explained that if they put the HDMI in the lower version, they were worried that some would complain about having something they don't want. However, HDMI penetration has come faster than expected, Kutaragi says. He asks if people want HDMI in all models. Everyone in the audience say yes. He then confirms that all models, including the 20 gig version, will have an HDMI port.
7:25: Now a question on the price. Kutaragi says the Japanese media and retailers have complained about the cost of the system. He then confirms that the price for the 20 gig model in Japan will, including tax, now be below 50,000 yen ($427). This model will include the HDMI port. He doesn't give the exact price.
Wonder if that's true?
Is seems they only are changing things up for Japan. Wii must have them rethinking things...