The Next-gen Situation discussion *spawn

You should have been here for the scaled vs native res thread where he was insisting that his visual acuity was better than the physical limits of the human eye.

A. Didn't see that. B. Some peoples' vision is better than others. It's possible, though rare, to have 20/15 or better vision. For all we know, his eyes are like that.
I gotta say, the amount of shit you're full of is quite something. I can see it all the way from my house. How did you pull that off? I'm quite impressed.

My 800 or so GLOPS GTX 650 doesn't qualify me as a gamer? How about the 300+ hours I've put into Killing Floor, Diablo 2(that one's got over 1K hours into it), Borderlands 1, the recent 53 hours of Batman: AC GOTY, the dozens of hours in various Serious Sam games, the hundreds in various Final Fantasies...

Wow..... nice attitude to have on these forums.....

Doesn't even warrant a response....
I don't normally respond like that on this forum, but the sheer elitism was astounding. I mean, I got most of that gaming done on a GPU with roughly 716 GFLOPs.

Hardware ain't got nothin' to do with how hardcore or not a gamer is, or even if they qualify as one. Their gaming patterns do. I'm a somewhat hardcore gamer, I don't put 100s of hours in most games that could easily hit that high. the longest I've played a non-FF, D2, BL1 or KF game is probably about... 150 hours or so? I believe my Fallout 3: GOTY save hit that high. I don't have the game installed right now so I can't tell you.

Oh fuck, I forgot Mega Man X1 and 4. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn the hours I've poured into those...

Edit: And for the record, someone's a gamer if they play games. They're just a different type of gamer depending on what they play, how they play it and how much they play it.
almighty would've saved sooo much trouble if he had just written "hardcore gamer" instead of "gamer" in his posts.

I.S.T., on the other hand, must have thought she was posting in 4chan for a couple of posts. I'd edit that.
I rarely curse beyond the standard dammits and hells here due to the limits this forum has on cursing, and have even edited my posts to remove some in the past. If the mods take issue, they can warn me and I will apologize. That said, it seems like the occasional cursing is allowed.
almighty would've saved sooo much trouble if he had just written "hardcore gamer" instead of "gamer" in his posts.

What does being on an annual upgrade treadmill have to do with being a hardcore gamer?

Currently there isn't a clear picture out there regarding next-gen Sony/MS consoles so who knows how many hardcore PC gamers will have to upgrade. The only thing we can be reasonably sure of is almighty won't have to.
What does being on an annual upgrade treadmill have to do with being a hardcore gamer?

Currently there isn't a clear picture out there regarding next-gen Sony/MS consoles so who knows how many hardcore PC gamers will have to upgrade. The only thing we can be reasonably sure of is almighty won't have to.

I will...
You won't have to. Even though you may choose to.

I do have too......for 2 reasons

1. Power consumption, my phase unit alone is puling 300-380w couple that with 4 cards ( That's assuming AMD can lower the power consumption )

2. I need the performance, there's still some games that even Quad-Fired 7970's can't max out in eyefinity with anti-aliasing ( Eyefinity will be coming when I get my work bonus :D )

I really could do with a new motherboard and CPU's as I'm CPU limited but Intel locked out overclocking on the 6 core socket 2011 Xenons :devilish:

So I don't know what to do CPU wise.
A simple question: Console games cost like 10-20 Dollars more then Pc games.
The kind of deal was, at least in the past: Buying a subsidized console that could compete at least at release with high end machines(more or less) and pay higher prices for the games. If the next gen consoles are as weak as the rumors seem to indicate, why should i even by one???

Exclusives alone dont cut it and Microsoft dont have a lot of them anyway(good ones).

Why should someone buy this obvious crap that is already outdated right at the beginning?
It should be clear in my opinion that not all 3 companies could copy Nintendos strategy and have sucess with it.(and for me the sucess of the Wii is something that even Nintendo wouldnt be able to replicate, it was a exception)
A simple question: Console games cost like 10-20 Dollars more then Pc games.
The kind of deal was, at least in the past: Buying a subsidized console that could compete at least at release with high end machines(more or less) and pay higher prices for the games. If the next gen consoles are as weak as the rumors seem to indicate, why should i even by one???

Then don't. It's not complicated.
A simple question: Console games cost like 10-20 Dollars more then Pc games.
The kind of deal was, at least in the past: Buying a subsidized console that could compete at least at release with high end machines(more or less) and pay higher prices for the games. If the next gen consoles are as weak as the rumors seem to indicate, why should i even by one???

Exclusives alone dont cut it and Microsoft dont have a lot of them anyway(good ones).

Why should someone buy this obvious crap that is already outdated right at the beginning?
It should be clear in my opinion that not all 3 companies could copy Nintendos strategy and have sucess with it.(and for me the sucess of the Wii is something that even Nintendo wouldnt be able to replicate, it was a exception)

They're not copying. If our best rumors are true, both should be easily 4X Wii U and draw like 150 watts (vs Wii U's 40)
They're not copying. If our best rumors are true, both should be easily 4X Wii U and draw like 150 watts (vs Wii U's 40)
Well, that was not the whole question:

Why buy these consoles instead of a gamer pc with medium specs that will not even cost much more and cheaper games available?
Well, that was not the whole question:

Why buy these consoles instead of a gamer pc with medium specs that will not even cost much more and cheaper games available?

  1. Social gaming / Multiplayer
  2. Unique interfaces like Kinect
  3. Excusives (not many but some good ones)
  4. Simplicity of use
I'm primarily a PC gamer and will remain so next generation for most single player games but for the reasons above (1-3 anyway) I'm certainly planning to get the new xbox when it releases. I'm not really over bothered how powerful it is though since my power gaming will all be done on the PC.
Well the rumours about the nextbox have said a 1.2-1.5 TF GPU.

PS4 rumours have stated nothing less than the 1.84TF from the vg247 pastebin rumours.

1.8 - 2.0 TF is a reasonable jump in my mind. So I wouldn't consider a 1.8TF PS4 "weak" at all.

In my mind a 1.5TF Durango wouldn't be particularly "weak" either. Not a monster as some internet fanboys seem to be trying to hint (albeit with next to no actual information beyond their own blind hope), but still reasonable. A 1.2 TF Durango would be weak in my mind however, but only in comparison to a 1.8 TF PS4, which according to the original pastebin rumour will also have very fast system memory bandwidth (192+GB/s was the quoted figure iirc), which would to me imply that regardless of whatever customisations MS' next console has, it won't in anyway beat a 1.8TF PS4 with such high memory bandwith in performance, even with a small amount of ESRAM or eDRAM... A 1.5TF Durango vs. a 1.8TF PS4 on the other hand would be a much closer call however.

Still, there's little to glean from rumoured flops numbers anyway. We need to really know more about the entire systems as a whole.

One thing I am sure of, both consoles will most likely end up showing off far better graphical capabilities in REAL games than any of us would really expect. There would have been no reason for either of them to wait and prolong this generation otherwise, especially since it's evident they weren't waiting on new fab tech like chip stacking with TSVs (interposers are still possible i believe), HMC, 20nm etc etc.
Social gaming / Multiplayer
Exists on pc too and player dont have to pay monthly fees for unlike Xbox Live.
Simplicity of use
Not really argument for consoles anymore. Plug in a Pc to the televison isnt exactly complicated, games have autoupdates for drivers and patches.
And the Xbox controller is de facto a standard that is supported by many games.

So what aside of gimmick controls and some exclusives the new consoles have to offer over a medium pc of today(sadly) that blows them out of the water in performance and also is a better media cente(every multimedia storage could play more formats then the consoles)?
Exists on pc too and player dont have to pay monthly fees for unlike Xbox Live.

I'm thinking more same screen multiplayer and social / party games that can involve a whole room full of people. For single player mutiplayer I agree there are advantages to the PC, primarily the fact of not having to pay although from what I hear, the 360 is a better overall experience. Not that it effects me since I'm not into multiplayer and hence would never pay for it.

Not really argument for consoles anymore. Plug in a Pc to the televison isnt exactly complicated, games have autoupdates for drivers and patches.
And the Xbox controller is de facto a standard that is supported by many games.

I agree PC's aren't that complicated to use and anyone with a basic level of knowledge should be fine. Certainly a lot of the arguments put forward like constant driver updates / patches / hardware upgrades are for the most part complete rubbish. But even so, there are a lot of people out there for whom PC's are just more complicated (or at least percieved to be) than what they are looking for. For example you still need to have a decent level of PC hardware knowledge just to select a decent gaming PC. I certainly wouldn't rely on PC world for that lol.
It's the open space for discussing what the next-gen consoles will be (not technicals), looking at business choices and competition. Competition with PCs strikes me as a valid part of that. If the next-gen consoles are fairly middle spec'd, they will encounter much stiffer competition. My own assumption was at release, the new consoles would provide better value than a middle-of-the-road PC, but that might not be the case, at which point the value proposition of these machines need to be reexamined. Ideas like the latest crazy rumours suggesting PS4 will come with VR goggles would certainly differentiate. Somewhat. Unless Valve stick goggles on Steambox.