Huh? Arcade models were certainly never supply constrained, the pro models most certainly were at launch and yes the launch 360 didn't include wifi. Arcade models also didn't ship with gold membership, a plug and play charger/battery pack or a wireless controller which were included in the pro.
The Core and the Arcade were different. [Edit - I'm guilty of using "Arcade" to describe Arcade &/or Core myself, so I'm not trying to patronising]
I remember retailer comments around launch that they were getting a lot more 20GB systems than Cores. The shops I went in to in the UK confirmed this - Game, Gamestation and the Indies.
20GB models were far more in demand because they weren't shitty value like the Core. Once you'd bought a memory card and in some cases a HD cable you were almost up to 20GB prices. MS didn't want you to buy the Core because they lost more money on it. But if you refused to be coerced into a 20GB they didn't want to lose you as a customer, and crucially the Core was the price they got to use on all the adverts and that was what got you into the store (to be coerced into buying the 20GB).
The wireless controller cost almost nothing extra beyond the wired version, but was again there to nudge you away from the Core and towards the 20GB. Once the Core became cheaper to make - after the Falcon was introduced - it magically turned into "Arcade" and got the wireless pad (surprise, surprise) and also came bundled with a 256MB memory card (attractor) so you no longer got stiffed on buying an expensive and shitty 64MB memory card (repulsor). Effectively it was a facelift and pricecut in one, and the Arcade actually became an attractive buy.
You can see the exact point when the role and placement of the of "Core" changed and that was when the "Arcade" appeared. The ugly duckling turned into a beautiful (and cheap) swan.
Gold membership was a free month and didn't add to the BOM. No 360 shipped with a plug and play wireless charger afaik.
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