Kolgar said:
We haven't seen any proof yet that DVDs are insufficient for next-gen games. When it happens, then it may "suck." Until it happens and multiplatform releases on 360 become gimped because of it, there's no problem with the format.
Nice, short-sighted view. I might as well say that given the historical trend in console gaminngn, there is every reason to believe DVDs are insufficient for next-gen, especially with several developers already claiming so.
In fact, it's what's allowing MS to make 360 the ONLY affordably priced next-gen game console of this generation.
That's a matter of perspective. I'm sure there will be lots of people saying the same about the 360 when looking at the Wii's price. It will definitely need more than a 20-25% price difference to really be a factor.
When the PS2 was released in Europe, it took only about 6 months before we got the first significant price cut. Everybody was saying that the thing was unaffordable when it was released, but it took the market by storm regardless. The Japanese paid about the same. Only the US was relatively lucky because the dollar was strong at the time.
If the price difference remains as advertised, then all the PS3 will need is a few distinguishing marks, like better and faster graphics, 1080p browser, blu ray, and the motion sensitive controller, and exclusive games, to distinguish itself sufficiently.
I'm not saying it will work. And I do believe that if anywhere, it'll be the U.S. where the 360 and PS3 will have the closest battle. But I consider the possibility that the Playstation will do great again considerable. The low end of the market may well be dominated by Wii (and who knows what the PS2 may still do off of it with that eDimension controller), the high market will attract people who want high-level entertainment and may be more interested in getting the best of the best than saving 100$. The 360 may do well as a second machine next to the Wii.
In the end, we just don't know what will happen. We can predict, but noone here knows for sure. Time will tell.