What's your gut feeling on the R600? In particular, is it going to be faster than the G80 and G81?
I'm sensing that it will slightly edge out G80, but G81 will easily beat it while using less power.
Do you have any solid reason to believe that a hypothetical G81 is going to close the bw deficit (as opposed to marginally narrow)? I don't. So I think such a scenario, should it come to pass, could have variable results across different settings. We'll have to see first with R600 exactly how far up the resolution/settings food chain you have to go for the bw advantage to start to shine.
Edit: Of course, having said that, looking at that ROP/memory implementation they did, I don't see any particular theoretical challenge for them to step up to 512-bit if they are willing to spend the silicon. It's obviously modular, as GTS attests. But are they willing? And at what process will they refresh: 90, 80, or 65 --and the implications for timing.