The EnAnallistaDeBits video shows various instances of the PC going beyond the PS5 settings:
The PC version includes visual improvements over PS5, but also drags quite a few issues.
- Random crashes and frame-pacing regardless of settings (still occurring on an RTX 4080 on Low) is the main problem. The next patch should address this as a priority.
- Some animations do not display correctly on PC. For example, the animation of Ellie climbing stairs is missing.
PC features a slight improvement in texture resolution, but some textures show clipping that does not occur in the PS5 version. P
C also adds more geometry to some assets.
The reflections have also increased their resolution on PC, but still dragging some problems with the SSR as PS5 (which to date has not been patched either).
Water physics and interaction has been improved on PC.
- Some settings, such as textures or reflections, seem to be broken at the lowest setting. Some textures are kept in Ultra and others are not shown.
Longer draw distance on PC.
Shadow resolution is higher on PC, however, some areas have banding that does not occur on PS5.
- DLSS shines again showing a higher image quality compared to FSR 2.0. In any case, both reconstruction techniques show a better image than PS5 performance mode using the same resolution.
- Load times are 5 times faster on PS5. This is a clear indication of the lack of optimization on PC.
Slight improvements in global illumination on PC.
- A 3050 suffers to reach 60fps at 1080p with high settings and DLSS. Steam Deck is not a recommended version as its framerate drops below 25fps with settings on low + FSR. - I don't doubt that The Last of Us Part I will be a great version on PC, but I don't consider it the ideal time to play it."
It also highlights tons of bugs in the PC version as well, several of which were also picked up in the DF video. Crashes, missing animations, clipping textures, banding and flickering shadows, insanely long load times, PS3 level textures on 8GB GPU's and a performance profile that is completely off the reservation compared to every game released so far this generation. It's pretty clear this game is a total mess on PC right now and quite obviously should not be being used to judge the relative performance of the systems regardless of how optimised the console version is.