The information about TWIMTBP campaign ?


Dear all fellows:

I been reading the information about the TWIMTBP among many websites, which are not the information significance in customers and game industry. Is there any public information which allow me to access without signing NDA ?

For instance,

(1) How amount of money Nvidia spend on the TWIMTBP in each year ?

(2) What percentage of the marketing budget for such market campaign between
ATI and Nvidia ?

(3) Is there any sales number about different game titles other than the famous
titles we have been heard for decades?

Thank you very much.
(1) and (2): Depends what you mean by spending money. If you mean how much money NV pays developers per year then the answer is 0. I know of only one game that received money (and it's not some game everyone is talking about). On the other hand you need to count engineering hours and travel expenses that both NV & ATI spend on developer visits, debuging, optimisations,... And while this still falls under marketing it is driven by whole other group of people (not marketing/sales but by engineering).

You can read more about this in an interview with Daryl Still here:

(3) What do you mean by that? You can probably find numbers for every game if you know how and where to look.