The Day After Tommorow

Now, this story is truly scary. The Sierra Club apparently thinks this movie is truly useful in teaching people about global warming.
The Sierra Club also plans to host a series of local house parties and picnics this summer to talk about air pollution and global warming.
And, as usual, they're going to have deep discussions on it over tea and sandwiches.

My dad has some great stories of nursemaiding Sierra Clubbers as a national park ranger. Seems they're just as in touch with the environment now as they were then.
I started to think my negative reaction to this movie was too harsh -- untill I saw the Making Of... program about the Day after Tomorrow on TV last night. I'm not sure if I was in shock or anger after hearing the stars and Emmerich (or whatever his name is) talk about how the movie is a sign of things to happen if we don't change course.

To hear Dennis Quaid's character in the movie dismiss the American embassador in a scene as an ignorant fool state for stating that there are other facets to the the Global Warming Problem -- and then hear him, as Dennis Quaid, state after that the movie is a beacon of the future or some such bullshit was enough to make sure I never see this.

Thats analogous to Bruce Willis stating that he and his daughter's sex appeal are our only hope for the future if.... :rolleyes:
london-boy said:
:oops: It's a movie. What's the big deal...

Still, i'm surely gonna see it, knowing that global warming will never tunr the planet around in a couple'weeks, because it looks damn good and freaking Orlando Bloom is not in it. So had enough of that guy. (He's not in this one is he, i mean he CAN'T be...)

Today there was a quote in my local paper by the director about the flash freezing. He said "I've only got two hours to create an ice age!". I thought that was pretty funny
^ ^ And as usual, papers like The Sun review movies like they deal with everything else: bullshit.

The review went on about how this is a good movie for everyone to see because people should know that this thing could happen "...maybe tomorrow..." (literally from the review)... :rolleyes:

Oh, i didn't buy the Sun, i just read it because it was on the Tube.... REALLY!! :LOL:
I dont see why some think flash freezing cant happen. Ive read about those heards of Mammoths flash frozen in Alaska and the arctic. Certainly would take something pretty amazing to freeze an animal that can still be harvested for its meat 10 000 or more years later.

I see the post that mentions leaves frozen in the belly of the animals undigested... And also reports of apple trees about 1000 miles north or so of where the treeline is today in Russia. Apples still on the branches.

Weird climate can happen and happen fast...
pax said:
I dont see why some think flash freezing cant happen. Ive read about those heards of Mammoths flash frozen in Alaska and the arctic. Certainly would take something pretty amazing to freeze an animal that can still be harvested for its meat 10 000 or more years later.

I see the post that mentions leaves frozen in the belly of the animals undigested... And also reports of apple trees about 1000 miles north or so of where the treeline is today in Russia. Apples still on the branches.

Weird climate can happen and happen fast...

Yes, Pax, that was Alaska and Russia. Anyone taking this movie seriously is nuts. There is no way in hell the whole planet would go through that mess in 2 weeks. It takes years to change the climate, unless the planet is knocked off its orbit. Or unless we start dropping nukes everywhere. Or if a meteorite strkes the planet. Now that i think about it, even Armageddon is potentially more "realistic" than this movie.

Doesn't mean i won't enjoy watching it!

And the Donnie Darko guy... god he's cute!
Well maybe not on the scale the movie portrays but flash freezing can certainly take out heards of arctic adapted species... Whats scarier is that the flash frozen areas then stayed cold for thousands of years till today...

What Id like to know is how this happened. Might not be possible for high altitude low density atmosphere to drop to ground level as portrayed in the flick but certainly some kind of climate dynamic can create flash freezing. But how and from where?
pax said:
Well maybe not on the scale the movie portrays but flash freezing can certainly take out heards of arctic adapted species... Whats scarier is that the flash frozen areas then stayed cold for thousands of years till today...

What Id like to know is how this happened. Might not be possible for high altitude low density atmosphere to drop to ground level as portrayed in the flick but certainly some kind of climate dynamic can create flash freezing. But how and from where?

Well, the way it works here in England (it was 23 degrees all week, yesterday we had around 12), it only takes the wrong naughty current to come straight from the Arctic or from anywhere north to freeze us all. And there are always currents messing up with our weather, why do u think English people nag about the weather so much... If it's not freezing nordic currents, it's clouds full of rain from the Atlantic... :cry: :devilish: o_O
And here I thought we had invented weather related cabin fever in Canada what with our 4 seasons: Summer, first winter, mid winter, late winter... :LOL:
pax said:
And here I thought we had invented weather related cabin fever in Canada what with our 4 seasons: Summer, first winter, mid winter, late winter... :LOL:

YOU HAVE SUMMER!?!?! Lucky bastards....... :LOL: :LOL:
Well, before this movie came out the greens were worried that the film would make people not take global warming seriously.....and then there are others who worried that people would take it seriously....

Now I've always thought that there are a lot of dumb people out there....
Going to see it tonight with the g/f. I'll post up what I think about it tommorrow most likely. I've been waiting for the flick for quite sometime so I'm pretty sure I'm going to like it.
pax said:
And here I thought we had invented weather related cabin fever in Canada what with our 4 seasons: Summer, first winter, mid winter, late winter... :LOL:

We have the same things here in Finland (and Sweden and Norway too, I'd guess. Though you never know about the swedes :rolleyes: )
Now wer'e living the 'late spring', next week it'll be the 'initial summer' which'll last to 'midsummer' that begins with the drinking, drowning, wife and family beating fest called 'Juhannus' (the Swedes do it by dancing around some pole, and eating sour herring :rolleyes: )

It'll last (the midsummer, not the drinking, drowning...) until the august, that begins the 'late summer', next is 'initial autumn' 'autumn' 'initial winter' 'winter' initial spring' 'spring' 'late spring' etc.... (note, ther is no mid autumn, winter or spring. Actually the autumn and spring are just descriptions for the whole season, when you don't need to describe it more clearly with 'initial' and 'late'.)

But it is not unusual to miss the spring and autumn completely ((especially spring, as in 1st of April we have a drinking, drunk car crashing, wife and family beating fest called 'Vappu' (the Swedes do it by dancing around some pole and eating sour herring :rolleyes: ) and people don't remember much about a couple of weeks before or after that))

The autumn has no fests whatsoever, but people suffer from autumn depression, and either kill themselves (if they didn't do it during their spring depression), are under heavy anti depressant medication, or try to fight the depression by drinking, beating up the wife and family... (and the swedes do it by dancing around some pole and eating sour herring).

I haven't yet seen the Day after tomorrow, probably wait for the DVD.
Saw it yesterday with my family. Good movie ;)

Here in my town we have summer the entire year. In fact the temperature is almost never below 22c or above 36c. There is no storms, waves, quake, sharks, dragons, or any other natural problem.

The only thing I have to worry is some asteroid :LOL:
Ok just saw it and other than the time frame and insanely high storm surge (tho Im aware of very high storm surges off the east coast in Nova Scotia they never got 200 feet high... ) I think the science isnt that badly done for a sci fi flick...

Id read some Woods Hole and other articles about flash freezing and sudden climate changes and the geologic data that exists about it... The creepiest one was the apple tree in Russia still standing with its leaves and branches and nearly full of apples indicating it was frozen and buried during its normal growth period during late summer and was found in such state 10 000 years after it was frozen. Its even creepier to think animals and trees stayed frozen after the climate change for so long...
It wasn't bad. They explained alot of things well at the start. Then it went into the its a movie part .

The way they explained flash freezing sounded plasuable to me . I don't know much about it. But it sounded good . And for 9 bucks what do u expect.
pascal said:
Saw it yesterday with my family. Good movie ;)

Here in my town we have summer the entire year. In fact the temperature is almost never below 22c or above 36c. There is no storms, waves, quake, sharks, dragons, or any other natural problem.

The only thing I have to worry is some asteroid :LOL:

But Brazil has an army of bombshells... ;)